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Last version

Infinicyt™ 2.0.6 – 16-SEP-2022



  • Updates performed.

Automated Gating and Identification:
Improvements performed:

  • The Kappa Lambda from plasma cell message has been removed from the LST database profile.

Bugs solved:

  • In the information displayed in the cellularity table.
  • In the Population tree.
  • Databases window.
  • Comments, Conclusions and Immunophenotype sections.
  • When adding Keywords to the Automatic Report.
  • Ctrl+Z shortcut

Report and Automatic Report:

  • Synergizing manual and AG&I report components

User Access Control:
Improvements performed:

  • In the electronic signatures.
  • In the password policy. 
  • In the Actions Log.


  • Configuration changes performed in the BCP-ALL MRD (BM), ALOT PB, ALOT BM, CPC, MM-MRD, LST and PIDOT database profiles.

Performance and usability improvements made in other modules:

  • Batch
  • Population Tree
  • Functions
  • Diagrams (BoxPlot)
  • Compensation
  • Demo version
  • Installations
  • File merge
  • Clustering

Some bugs fixed in other modules:

  • Maturation
  • Negative Visibility
  • Clustering


Improvement performed when opening an ALOT .fcs file and then performing an AG&I process.
The Compass diagram was recalculated each time the events were assigned to a population when the file had been generated from Batch Analysis. Currently, the Compass diagram is recalculated once all the Check Populations have been assigned to their corresponding population.

Bug detected in the icon of the ALOT database.
The CE-IVD label was not displayed in the ALOT database.

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process.
An internal error occurred when using a file from Omnicyt and selecting the Add/Remove (file) button.

Improvement performed in the LST database.
The intended use of the LST database and the CE-IVD label of the LST database have been removed.

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process using three files.
An internal error occurred when loading a MM-MRD file and any other file, and performing an AG&I process using the MM-MRD database.

Bug detected after performing an AG&I process.
An internal error occurred when performing an AG&I process and then selecting the Add/Remove button

Bug detected when perfoming an AG&I process and entering the age of the patient.
When entering manually the age of the patient, the software modified it automatically.

Improvement performed in the CPC database profile.
TR:29546, 29655
The name of the CPC database was modified in order to comply with regulations. The following legend has been added to the CPC profile in order to inform the user that it is a RUO report: For Research Use Only, Not for use in diagnostic procedure.

Bug detected in the statistics of the immunophenotype.
If the user changed the value of the statistics, the result of the immunophenotype was also modified.

User Access Control

Bug detected when canceling or closing the "Electronic signature" window.
Some issues (e.g: Check Populations without events or the Automatic Reports do not update) occurred in the analysis when canceling or closing the "Electronic signature" window.

Improvement performed in the actions log when performing changes in the maturation.
TR:27179, 27385
Changes related to visibility are not saved in the actions log. The maturation changes are saved as changes in Analysis.

Bug detected in user permissions.
TR:24535, 27175
Users can perform only the actions where they have permissions.

Improvement performed in the message displayed in the actions log when recovering a file.
TR:27308, 28274
The text content displayed in the actions log about the recovered file has been improved.

Improvement perfomed in the user roles.
It is possible to enter the user name using capital letters.

Improvement performed when printing the PIDOT summary in the report.
Infinicyt™ prompts the user to print the PIDOT summary or not when printing the report.

Bug detected in the Roles Summary tab of the Account Control window.
The Multiplexed Assay tool is no longer displayed in the Roles Summary tab.

Automatic Report

Bug detected when working with the Automatic Report.
It was possible to delete some elements of the Automatic Report that had been blocked.

Improvement performed when displaying the comments in the Automatic Report.
The comments of the Automatic Report are displayed with a space between them when there is a period.

File Merge

Bug detected when opening several files.
When merging files in CE-IVD, Infinicyt™ prompted the user to change into RUO workmode.

Bug detected in the profile manager.
The profile manager displayed profiles with the CE-IVD label and they were not CE-IVD.

Bug detected when working with the parameters of a monotube file.
The parameter labels were modified when editing the name of a parameter.

Bug detected in the Add/Remove File window.
When having a single file loaded in the "Add/Remove File" window and double-clicking on a parameter to edit its name, the parameters automatically changed from real (R) to common (C). Currently, the parameter remains Real if it has been configured to be Real when having a single file.


Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
Currently, the user can work with Infinicyt™ using the CE- IVD or RUO modes.

Improvement performed in Analysis when working with .fcs files.
The .fcs files used to perform an automated gating and identification (AG&I) process will display the intended use of the database (that was used) selected.

Improvement performed in Analysis module.
The intended use of the BCP-ALL MRD database has been added.

Improvement performed in the profiles displayed in the profile manager.
The legend and the symbol displayed when reviewing the check populations are not displayed anymore in the report of the those profiles.

Improvement performed when working with Infinicyt™.
The efficiency of the option to change the workmode has been improved and now the option updates faster.

Improvement perfomed in the name of the intended uses.
The MM-MRD and BCP-ALL MRD name of the intended uses have been modified.

Bug detected in the Analysis Module.
When closing the Analysis window and opening another one, the Analysis window was displayed in the background.

Bug detected when selecting the "Databases" icon many times.
Infinicyt™ crashed when opening many "Databases" windows.

Bug detected when opening a recovered file and changing into CE-IVD mode.
An error message was displayed to inform the user that the format of the .fcs file was invalid. Currently, it is possible to open the .fcs file and change into CE-IVD mode.

Improvement performed when working in CE-IVD mode.
It is not possible to undo the action of changing from CE-IVD into RUO mode.

Bug detected when changing the desktop.
Currently, when working in the review mode and changing the desktop the review mode closes automatically.


Bug detected in review mode.
TR:27141, 27230, 27271
When reviewing the populations, Infinicyt™ did not to change into RUO mode.

Bug detected in the review of the Check populations.
Bug detected when working in CE-IVD mode, reviewing a Check population and then deleting that population. The message displayed to change from CE-IVD mode into RUO mode was not displayed.

Improvement perfomed in the review mode.
The review mode is CE-IVD.

Improvement performed in the text contents.
Several sentences have been improved in order to display the information more accurately.

Improvement performed when working with the positivity.
The positivity is not available in CE-IVD mode. A message will be displayed to inform the user that the positivity is not CE-IVD when changing from RUO into CE-IVD mode.

Bug detected when working offline.
Currently, it is possible to work offline in CE-IVD mode.

Report - Keyword

Bug detected when exporting the report in .xml format.
When exporting the report in .xml format, the ID of the tables created or modified by the user were not maintained.

Report - Statistics

Bug detected when working with statistics.
Currently, the statistics of each tube are calculated as expected in the report.


Bug detected when working with the statistics of each tube.
Currently, the statistics displayed in the population tree are recalculated according to the selected tube or tubes.

Improvement performed to calculate the concentrations.
Currently, the concentration can be calculated automatically with Infinicyt when using Omnicyt files.

Negative Visibility

Bug detected in the negative visibility when woking with merged files and removing a tube.
When the user was woking with merged files and removed a tube, the configuration of the negative visibility was lost. Currently, the negativity is applied by parameter.


Improvement performed in the Population Tree.
The "Unspecified nucleated cells" population have been placed in the "Normal" node of the Population Tree.

Improvement performed in the Japanese text contents.
TR:26208, 26249
The Japanese text contents have been improved in order to better understand this language .

Improvement performed in the PIDOT profile.
The 1-11 months alerts of the Postgerminal population have been modified.

Bug detected when closing Infinicyt™.
The last used profile was not being saved in current.inp when closing Infinicyt™.

Bug detected when modifiying the "Add/Remove File" window.
An internal error occurred when opening a file, selecting the "Add/Remove" option, modifying the configuration of this window and finally clicking on the "Accept" button.

Bug detected in the suggested profiles when loading files.
TR:1510, 19141
When a profile is associated to a file, this association must be maintained even if the application is restarted, in order to ensure that the profile is suggested each time the file is loaded.

Bug detected in the diagrams when loading a profile.
There was a refresh issue in the diagrams when loading a profile.

Improvement performed in the keywords.
The CE-IVD legend for the Check populations has been added to the PIDOT profile.

Bug detected when working with two open sessions of Infinicyt™.
It was not possible to perform actions in both sessions of Infinicyt™.

Improvement performed in the BCP-ALL MRD profile.
TR:27035, 27352, 28573
Several changes have been performed in the BCP-ALL MRD profile in order to improve it. This profile is now available in commercial versions.

Improvement performed in the BCP-ALL-MRD database profile.
TR:29517, 29637
The LOD and LLOQ values of the comments and conclusion have been modified (10-40). The age range keyword has been added and the values of the alerts have been updated. The text contents of the database profile are displayed in English.


Bug detected when the diagrams are updated.
The diagrams were not automatically updated after performing changes in the separators.

Improvement performed in the efficiency of the Population Tree.
The efficiency of the Population Tree has been improved when working with a lot of populations and events.

Improvement performed in the commercial version of Infinicyt.
Currently, it is possible to work with the commercial version in CE-IVD work mode using a EuroFlow lincense.

Improvement performed in the message displayed when changing the analysis from IVD to RUO work mode.
Currently, the message displayed is: If you perform this action, the analysis will be changed into RUO work mode. Do you want to continue?

Bug detected when selecting the "Save as Analyzed File" option.
Infinicyt was blocked when selecting the "Save as Analyzed File" option.

Bug detected when working in RUO mode.
The version became unstable when working in RUO mode, changing into CE-IVD mode and then canceling the action.

Improvement performed in the copyright of Infinicyt™.
The copyright of Infinicyt™ 1.8 and 2.0 has been updated to 2022.

Bug detected in the diagrams.
The decimal separator changes are not updated automatically in the diagrams.

Bug detected when modifying a parameter of the current.inp
The splash remained loading when modifying a parameter of the current.inp

Bug detected in the reference manuals.
Only the reference manuals of the commercial version are included in Infinicyt™.

Improvement performed in the banner of the demo version of Infinicyt™.
The banner has been removed and it is not displayed when opening the main window of the Infinicyt™ demo version.

The message displayed when using a database in demo versions has been modified.
Currently, the displayed sentence is: Files generated on a compatible IVD cytometer.

Batch Analysis

Bug detected when applying Compass in Batch Analysis.
An internal error occurred when applying Compass in a .cyt file and working in Batch Analysis.

Bug detected in Batch Analysis when using a file with a different PNR.
An internal error occurred when performing a Batch Analysis using a file with a different PNR.

Bug detected in Batch Analysis when loading a .cyt file.
An internal error occurred when loading a .cyt file generated with previuous versions of Infinicyt and selecting a step in Batch Analysis.

Batch - AG&I

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process in Batch Analysis using the BCP-ALL MRD database.
An internal error occurred when performing an AG&I process in Batch Analysis using the BCP-ALL MRD database. Currently, it is possible to use several tubes independently to perform the AG&I process.

Batch - Positivity

Bug detected after exporting the positivity and then opening the Batch Analysis from Analysis module.
An error message was displayed after exporting the positivity and then opening the Batch Analysis from the Analysis module.


Bug detected when drawing a gate in a 3D diagram.
When drawing a gate on a 3D diagram and then trying to move the gate, the diagram moved instead of the gate.

Diagrams - General

Bug detected when creating a diagram after performing an AG&I process.
An internal error occurred when creating a diagram after performing an AG&I process, modifying its label/scale and then undoing this last action.

3D Diagrams

Bug detected when working with 3D diagrams.
When working with 3D diagrams and drawing a gate on another diagram, the 3D diagrams were displayed in front of them.

Diagrams Select Events Gates

Bug detected when selecting the events of a tube.
When the user selected the events of a tube, the events of the remaining tubes were also selected.


Bug detected when opening a report.
Currently, the user can open a report in each open Infinicyt™ session.

Report - Compass

Bug detected when pasting a Compass diagram in the report.
TR:20064, 24935
When copying and pasting a Compass diagram in the user-defined sheet of the report, the default sheets were deleted automatically. An internal error occurred when copying and pasting a Compass diagram in the report.

Improvement performed when working with Compass diagrams in the report.
The user can choose the population to be displayed in the Compass diagram of the report. If the population displayed in the Compass diagram does not exist in the population tree of Analysis, a warning message will be displayed.

Compass - ALOT

Bug detected in the Total% of the Abnormal population.
The Total% of the abnormal populations did not match with the value displayed in the Compass diagram info.


Improvement performed in the text contents of the About window.
The text contents of the About window are displayed in the language selected in Infinicyt™.

Reference Image

Bug detected when saving a reference image.
When the user saved a reference image and then applied it in the analysis, some parameters were not saved.

Bug detected in the events and the statistics of the Reference Image.
Currently, the events and the statistics of the reference loaded are consistent.

Bug detected in the reference images.
The configuration of the reference image loaded in a report diagram was not saved.


Bug detected in the License Agreement.
The License Agreement is included in English and Spanish depending on the language selected in the Infinicyt™ installer.

The text contents of the Installation Complete step have been improved.
The new sentence displayed in the Installation Complete step is: If you have any questions or concerns, please refer to the help section in the software or contact with our support team ([email protected])


Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
Two new EMS connection routes have been added to infinicyt™.

Population Tree

Bug detected in the Population Tree when performing Ctrl+Z.
Some events disappeared when performing Ctrl+Z in an ALOT file obtained from Batch.


Improvement performed in the copyright of Infinicyt™.
The copyright of Infinicyt™ 1.8 and 2.0 has been updated to 2022.


Improvement performed in the copyright of Infinicyt™.
The copyright of Infinicyt™ 1.8 and 2.0 has been updated to 2022.


Bug detected when analyzing a file from Batch Analysis or when performing an Automated Gating and Identification process.
When analyzing a file from Batch Analysis, the file (generated by the Omnicyt cytometer) was not properly rescaled and the result obtained did not match with the result obtained after performing an AG&I process.

Bug detected when analyzing a file from Batch Analysis or when performing an Automated Gating and Identification process.
When analyzing a file from Batch Analysis, the file (generated by the Omnicyt cytometer) was not properly rescaled and the result obtained did not match with the result obtained after performing an AG&I process.


Improvement performed in the PIDOT database profile.
Some text contents of the PIDOT profile have been modified and currently they fit properly within the cells of the cellularity table of the Automatic Report.

Improvement performed in the PIDOT database profile.
Some text contents of the PIDOT profile have been modified and currently they fit properly within the cells of the cellularity table of the Automatic Report.


Improvement performed in the Automatic Report of the ALOT profile.
The display of the mixed phenotype results has been improved in order to understand them better.

Improvement in Infinicyt™ performance.
The memory is properly released when loading different profiles.

Improvement performed in the AG&I Configuration window.
After performing an AG&I process, the AG&I Configuration window displays the 5-95 recommended percentile as default option.

Bug detected when loading a profile.
Currently, when loading a profile, the parameters are correctly updated.

Improvement performed in the zoom configuration.
The configuration of the zoom is saved in the profile and can be applied to other files when using that profile.

Batch Analysis

Improvement performed in the Check Parameters window when working in Batch Analysis.
The color code of the correspondences has been improved in order to check the correspondences of the files and the steps more accurately.

Improvement performed in the alerts when working in Batch Analysis.
The 5-95 configuration of the alerts is saved when working with several files in Batch Analysis.

Improvement performed in the Batch Analysis module.
The performance of this module has been improved when opening .cyt files.

Improvement performed in the report’s header when working in Batch Analysis.
The configured report’s header is maintained when performing an AG&I process and then opening the report in the Batch Analysis module.

Bug detected in the Automatic Report when working in Batch Analysis.
The Automatic Report of the Batch Analysis and the Automatic Report of Analysis were not displaying the same information.

Bug detected when working with two different Infinicyt™ instances.
An internal error occurred when working with two different Infinicyt™ instances and loading a file from the second instance in Batch Analysis.

Improvement performed when opening Omnicyt files in Batch Analysis.
When opening Omnicyt files in Batch Analysis a warning is displayed in order to transform the parameters to the scale of the database.


Improvement performed when assigning a population containing two abnormal populations using a LST profile.
Currently, it is possible to assign events from related populations.

Bug detected when opening an incompatible file and selecting a database.
The “No selected population” message was displayed in the Load Database window.

Improvement performed in the databases.
ALOT PB, ALOT BM, LST PB, MM MRD and PID databases are CE-IVD marked.

Improvement performed when exporting alerts in .csv or .txt formats.
All the exported data is visualized in UTF-8 encoding.

Improvement performed when opening the Automatic Report.
A loading bar has been added to be displayed while opening the Automatic Report. This loading bar is also displayed when performing an AG&I process before the “Check Parameters” window is displayed.

Improvement performed in the database profile displayed in the “Analysis” window.
The legend displayed in the “Analysis” window when loading a MM MRD profile is: Database Profile > MM MRD.

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process in Batch Analysis.
An internal error occurred when performing an AG&I process in Batch Analysis using the LST database.

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process using the ALOT database.
After performing an AG&I process using the ALOT database, the AG&I Configuration window displayed the events/µl option.

Improvement performed when working in CE-IVD mode.
The populations reviewed by the user that do not have events will be displayed in the Absent Populations legend of
the Automatic Report with the following symbol ̴ .
If the populations are reviewed by the user, a warning is displayed when exporting the Automatic Report in .xml format.

Improvement performed in the keywords of the Automatic Report when working in CE-IVD mode.
The following legend has been added to the Automatic Report in order to display the populations reviewed by user: Populations reviewed by user. Modifying events from the gates may influence the result of the analysis.

Improvement performed in the cellularity table of the Automatic Report.
The frequency range of the abnormal populations is displayed in the cellularity table with a “-“.

Improvement performed in the AG&I Configuration window when loading a MM-MRD database.
After performing an AG&I process using the MM-MRD database, the age combo of the AG&I Configuration window is not displayed.

Improvement performed in the Database Accesses icon.
The legend “Select a database” has been added to the Database Accesses icon.

Improvement performed when there are dongle connection problems.
The message to inform the user that there are dongle connection problems has been improved.

Improvement performed when reviewing the Check Populations.
The efficiency when reviewing the check populations has been improved.

Improvement performed when working with the PIDOT profile.
Currently, the comments of the Automatic Report correspond to the data displayed in the cellularity table.

Bug detected after performing an AG&I process.
After the AG&I process, there were populations with no events that were not classified into the Absent Populations node.

Bug detected after loading a database and performing an AG&I process.
An internal error occurred in the diagrams displayed in Analysis.

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process and then loading an .fcs file.
A warning was displayed in order to inform the user that two .cyt files and an .fcs file could not be merged.

Bug detected with compensation or acquisition issues.
Infinicyt™ automatically readjusted the scale when detecting compensation or acquisition problems.

Improvement performed when loading another file after an AG&I process.
Currently, when opening a file after performing an AG&I process, the default profile is automatically loaded.

Improvement performed when exporting the “T cells, NK cells and basophils” population in .csv format.
Currently, the name of the population has been replaced with “T and NK cells and basophils” in order to improve its visualization.

Improvement performed in the warning displayed when the percentage of Check Populations is higher than expected.
Currently, the message displayed is: “The percentage of events in the Check Populations (events not classified automatically) is higher than expected.

Improvement performed in the “Absolute Count” window.
When loading a PIDOT database, the “Absolute Count” window displayed while performing the AG&I process has been improved and the “Use same configuration for other files in this session” option has been removed.

Bug detected when changing the order of the parameters or when opening an .fcs file from the Add/Remove File option.
The warning displayed when performing those actions was related to the Check Populations review.

Improvement performed in the related populations of the Check Populations.
Functions cannot be displayed in the related populations of the Check Populations.

Improvement performed in the alerts.
The window to update the alerts is not displayed if the alerts column is not available in the .cyt file because it has no effect and the new alerts are not applied.

Bug detected in the diagrams.
An internal error occurred when loading a reference image that was dragged from the databases profile.

Bug detected when closing Infinicyt™.
Infinicyt™ prompted the user to save the changes performed in the .cyt file even if they were already saved.

Bug detected when closing the Analysis window.
Currently, Infinicyt™ does not leave traces when the user opens a .cyt file, does not update the alerts and then closes de Analysis window without saving the changes.

Automatic Report

Improvement performed when working with the databases in offline mode.
The comments of the Automatic Report are displayed even if the databases are not connected to the database connector.

Improvement performed when the Kappa/Lambda ratio is altered.
The message displayed when the Kappa/Lambda ratio is altered is currently updated automatically even when the Automatic Report is minimized.

Improvement performed in the header of the Automatic Report.
Currently, the format of the header is maintained when working with several instances of different versions of Infinicyt™.

Bug detected when loading Omnicyt/Attune files, performing an AG&I process using the CTPC database and opening the Automatic Report.
When loading Omnicyt/Attune files with a different scale than the CTPC database, the default report was loaded instead of the user’s report.

Improvement performed in the keywords displayed in the Automatic Report.
Currently, the keywords that are not displayed in the Automatic Report do not leave an empty space in the report.

Bug detected in the Automatic Report comments.
It was possible to change the font of the comments even if the sheets were protected and not editable.

Improvement performed in the tables of the Automatic Report.
If a table of the Automatic Report is not editable, the user cannot modify its cells.

Improvement performed when working offline in CE-IVD mode.
When the user opens a .cyt file, does not update the alerts and performs a change in the analysis, currently the software changes automatically to RUO mode.

Bug detected in the Provisional watermark of the Automatic Report.
The Provisional watermark was not displayed when performing a change in the analysis and then undoing the action.

Improvement performed in the comments and conclusions added by the user to the Automatic Report.
When working in CE-IVD mode, the comments added by the user displays the following legend: “User-defined”.

Improvement performed in the Absent Populations keyword when working offline.
The Absent Populations keyword is not updated when working offline, the legend “Not available” is displayed instead.

Improvement performed in the footer of the Automatic Report.
When working in CE-IVD mode, the CE-IVD label has been removed from the footer of the Automatic Report.

Improvement performed in the sheets added by the user to the Automatic Report.
Currently, the user can modify the format in the header and footer of the sheets added by the user to the Automatic Report.

Improvement performed in the Automatic Report.
There are no empty spaces in the Automatic Report when the keywords are not displayed.

Bug detected when adding a keyword to the Automatic Report.
This change was not displayed in the “List of changes” panel of the Automatic Report even if the “Change Control” option was enabled.


Improvement performed in ALOT PB and ALOT BM profiles.
The total population of Abnormal precursos is displayed in the cellularity table.
Immunophenotype text contents have been improved.
The legends of the comparatives are displayed in all available languages.

Improvement performed in the PIDOT profile.
A duplicate text content has been deleted.
Text box auto-adjust has been configured.

Improvement performed in the text contents of fixes.
The text contents of fixes can be displayed in all available languages of the databases.

Improvement performed in the Population Description keyword.
If the Alias of the Population Description keyword is configured it will be displayed in the corresponding sections of the Automatic Report.

Improvement performed in PIDOT and LST profiles.
The frequency and events/µl of the following age segments 5-29 (PID) and 0-15 years (LST) have been updated.

Improvement performed in the diagrams.
When loading a profile that has been overwritten the diagrams display the corresponding events.

Improvement performed in the LST profile.
More abnormal populations have been added to the Population Tree with different shades of red color.
These new populations can be displayed in the Compass diagram and as related populations.
The events of these new populations are assigned to the previous one that contains events.
Conclusions have been added to the report.
The phenotype of the B abnormal populations has been configured.
The color of the abnormal myeloid population and the daughter populations of Abnormal T cells have been modified.
The legends of the new abnormal populations have been improved.
When working with the LST database, the phenotype has been included under the cellularity table of the Automatic Report.

Improvement performed in MM MRD and CTPC profiles.
The alerts have been updated.

Improvement performed in the Configure Data Visualization option.
This option is available in the comparative diagrams.

Improvement performed in mixed phenotype ALOT profile.
The text contents have been translated into the rest of the available languages of the databases.

Improvement performed in the age segments.
The reference age ranges are currently dynamic and will be available in later versions.

Improvement performed in the text contents of the ALOT profile.
The comments have been improved.

Bug detected when installing the databases.
It was not possible to use the EuroFlow databases due to installation issues.

Bug detected when changing the file after loading a database.
Not all of the information was completely displayed in the log.

Database Accesses

Improvement performed in the “Database Accesses” icon when using the database access flat-rate.
The date is displayed in the “Database Accesses” icon when using the database access flat-rate.

Bug detected in the “Database Accesses” icon.
The “Databases Accesses” icon was not automatically updated when the information displayed was modified.

Databases window

Improvement performed in the Databases window when working with two different instances of Infinicyt™.
The efficiency of the Databases window has been improved.

Improvement performed in the Databases window when working in CE-IVD mode.
The following legend has been added to the Databases window: “When loading a CE-IVD database make sure you used a CE-IVD cytometer and CE-IVD reagents to process your samples.”


Improvement performed in the “Alerts” column of the Analysis window.
The “Alerts” column of the Analysis window is not displayed after performing an AG&I process, then adding the age of the patient, saving the profile and finally the analyzed file.

Improvement performed in the Alerts.
Infinicyt™ only warns the user once when alerts will be lost.

Improvement performed in the “Alerts” column of the Analysis window after performing an AG&I process.
It is possible to copy the data of the alerts from the “Alerts” column of the Population Tree of the Analysis window.


Improvement performed when displaying the populations in Compass.
Some equals have been improved in order to analyze the populations in Compass.

Improvement performed in the loading bar when loading a database.
The “Loading database” legend displayed in the loading bar when loading a database has been replaced with “Loading”.

Improvement performed when modifying a population in the Compass diagram.
The “Make sure that the selected populations were unequivocally identified” message is displayed over the Analysis window.

Improvement performed when loading a Compass database.
The “Make sure that the selected populations were unequivocally identified” message is not displayed when loading a Compass database if this step involves a “Calculate Data” process.

Improvement performed when loading a database and the changing the profile.
Currently, all of the diagrams displayed in Analysis remain foreground on the screen.

Compass ALOT

Improvement performed in the ALOT database.
The ALOT database is CE-IVD marking after performing an AG&I process using a CE-IVD database.

Bug detected when loading a Compass ALOT database.
Infinicyt™ left traces when loading a Compass ALOT database.

Compass - Edition

Bug detected when editing the color of a group in a Compass diagram.
Currently, when changing the color of a group, the selected group and the corresponding medians are updated and displayed with the selected color.

Improvement performed in the tests of Infinicyt™.
The tests to review the functionality of Infinicyt™ have been improved.


Improvement performed when exporting the Report in .xml format.
Currently, when adding the Issue keyword and then exporting the Report in .xml format all the corresponding information is displayed.

Bug detected in the report when dragging a table and dropping it into a text box.
An internal error occurred when dragging several tables into a text box and then undoing the action. Currently, it is possible to drag tables into a text box and then undoing the action.


Improvement performed in the email of the Infinicyt™ technical support team.
The email to contact our support team has been modified, currently the new email address is: [email protected]

Improvement in the copyright of Infinicyt™.
The copyright of Infinicyt™ has been modified and the expiration date of Infinicyt™ 1.8 and 2.0 versions has been updated to 2021.

Bug detected in Infinicyt™ basic licenses.
Currently, PID and Compass messages are not displayed in basic licenses because the functionality of those modules is available in advanced licenses.

Improvement performed in the Infinicyt™ installation.
The legends displayed in the installation windows have been updated.

Improvement performed in the “About Infinicyt” window.
The About Infinicyt™ window has been updated and improved. This window also displays if the user is working in CE-IVD or RUO mode.

Improvement performed when performing an AG&I process with the “Suggest a profile when opening a new file.” option.
The message that informs the user about the alerts loss is no longer displayed.

Improvement performed in the pop-up of the Infinicyt™ satisfaction survey.
The pop up of the satisfaction survey displayed in Commercial versions after 30 days of the installation has been removed.

Improvement performed in the pop-up of demo versions.
The Infinicyt™ logo of the pop-up displayed in Demo versions to get an extended version after 30 days using the demo has been improved.

Improvement performed in the configuration of Infinicyt™.
The invalid code lengths warning is no longer displayed when loading the ALOT database.
The code has been modified in order to improve the efficiency of the software.

Improvement performed in Infinicyt™ installers.
The version of Infinicyt™ has been removed from the windows displayed when installing Infinicyt™ and the Database connector.

Improvement performed in the efficiency of Infinicyt™.
Several changes have been performed in Infinicyt™ in order to improve the efficiency of the software.

Improvement performed in the links of the Infinicyt™ website.
The links to the Infinicyt™ website have been updated to the new Infinicyt™ website.

Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
Users can work in CE-IVD or RUO modes.
The “About Infinicyt” window has been modified and currently displays the CE-IVD label when working the CE-IVD mode and the RUO label when working in RUO mode.

Improvement performed in the CE-IVD labels displayed in Infinicyt™ when working in CE-IVD mode.
The CE-IVD label has been updated with the official label.

Improvement performed in the references of the Infinicyt™ licenses.
The references of the different Infinicyt™ licenses have been added.

General Files

Bug detected when opening a second Infinicyt™ instance.
When opening a second Infinicyt™ instance, the splash remained in the screen. Currently, it is possible to work with two Infinicyt™ instances at the same time.

Bug detected when calculating the functions in Infinicyt™.
Currently the software uses Float.MAX_VALUE instead of Float.MIN_VALUE.

Improvement performed when saving .cyt files.
The efficiency has been improved when saving .cyt files.

File Export

Bug detected when exporting and reducing .cyt files.
Repeated events were added when exporting and reducing .cyt files.

Improvement performed in .cyt files.
The distribution version has been added to the prmx in order to know the version of Infinicyt™ where the .cyt files or profiles were created.

Batch Analysis AG&I

Bug detected when the frequency of the populations is above 20% of the reference value.
Currently, a warning is always displayed when the frequency of the populations is above 20% of the reference value.

Bug detected when working offline and opening .cyt files from Batch Analysis in the Analysis module.
Currently, when opening .cyt files from Batch Analysis in the Analysis module and updating the alerts, the ranges of the alerts are correctly displayed.

Batch Report

Improvement performed in the report when working in Batch Analysis.
The values out of the range are displayed in bold format when exporting the report as an image.


Improvement performed when exporting the positivity.
Currently, it is possible to export the positivity from a network location.

Improvement performed in the positivity tool.
The performance of the positivity tool has been improved.
The checkbox “All” has been added in order to select all the parameters at the same time.


Improvement performed in maturation diagrams.
The SD curves are adjusted to the maturation diagram.

User Access Control

Improvement performed when issuing the report.
The keywords can be added before issuing the report and then they are updated when the user issues again the report.

Improvement performed in the “Actions Log” window.
The changes performed in the “AG&I Configuration” window after performing an AG&I process are displayed in the “Actions Log” window.
The changes performed in the header and the footer of the Report are also displayed in the “Actions Log” window.

Improvement performed when working with the User Access Control module installed in the computer.
Currently, after performing an AG&I process it is possible analyze the check populations.

Improvement performed after reviewing the check populations and opening the Automatic Report.
Currently, the signature keyword updates automatically.

Bug detected when anonymizing files from “File Editor”.
Users could not anonymize files from “File Editor”.


Improvement performed in the warning displayed when the dongle has expired.
Currently the new warning displayed is: “The subscription for Database Access has expired. In order to renew it, contact us by mail at [email protected]”.

Bug detected in the dongles.
The date is completely displayed even if the name of the month is too long.

Improvement performed in the message displayed when the Infinicyt™ license is about to expire.
The text contents of the Spanish message have been improved.

Offline Compensation

Bug detected when working in Compensation Offline and Batch Analysis modules at the same time.
An internal error occurred while working with these two modules at the same time.

File Merge

Improvement performed in the Add/Remove File window.
The compensation and the events visualization when removing a common parameter in the Add/Remove File window have been improved.

Analysis Strategy

Bug detected when saving an analysis strategy.
An internal error occurred when saving an analysis strategy after performing a gate in a supervised APS diagram.


Improvement performed in the installer.
The copyright has been updated.

Improvement performed in Infinicyt™ installation.
The Sentinel driver has been updated.

User Access Control

Improvement performed to adapt Infinicyt to the CFR21 regulation.
TR:20219, 22547
Infinicyt™ has been adapted to the CFR21 regulation.

Improvement performed in the User Access Control tool.
TR:21462, 21464, 21466, 21468
Access controls and authority verifications through username and password authentication have been added to Infinicyt™.

Improvement performed in permissions.
It is possible to assign permissions by roles.

Improvement performed in audit trails.
TR:20228, 21114, 20707, 20514, 20511, 20512, 20487, 20506, 20949, 20402, 20404, 20453, 20479, 20503, 20548, 20552, 20584, 20401, 20504, 22525, 20406, 22369, 23123, 20563, 22392, 22524, 20405, 22440
Audit trails include date and time.

Improvement performed in Electronic Signature.
TR:21532, 23153
The Electronic Signature of electronic records (user authentication) has been added to Infinicyt™.

Improvement performed to protect .cyt files.
Currently, it is possible to protect .cyt files using a password. This is useful to ensure the security of electronic records.

Automated Gating and Identification

Improvement in the performance of the AG&I process.
TR:23241, 23119
The Abnormal Population is not calculated again if it is already calculated.
Improvements in the performance when executing an AG&I process and using files with more than 8 million of events.

Improvement performed in the dictionary.
The “Time” parameter is not shown as the first option to perform the correspondences although it is displayed in the dropdown menu. It is also possible to delete a file to continue with the process.

Improvement performed in the messages related to alert or profile version updates and in the message displayed when changing the analysis without accepting the updates.
Those messages have been modified to understand better the information displayed.

Bug detected when the AG&I Configuration window is opened.
The components of the “AG&I Configuration” window did not fit in the fields. Currently, the visualization has been improved.

Bug detected when assigning events to the Abnormal Population.
If the user performs an AG&I process in any language except English and assigns events to the Abnormal Population in order to display the Compass diagram with the ALOT BM database, no events remain in the Other Abnormal Precursors population anymore.

Bug detected when the age-range is displayed in the Automatic Report.
The age range was displayed in English in the Automatic Report even if it was not the language of .cyt file.

Bug detected when updating the report.
Currently when changing the patient's age, the data of the report are updated correctly.

Improvement performed when the last profile used was a database profile.
Lagging issues were detected when starting the Infinicyt™ application because of the last profile used by the application (it was a database profile).

Improvement performed in the algorithm related to the correspondences.
The algorithm related to the correspondences has been improved to get accurate results regarding the markers.

Improvement performed when changing the reference ranges of the alerts and opening a .cyt file.
When changing the reference ranges of the alerts and opening a .cyt file, a warning is displayed to inform the user that the version of the alerts is different but it is not necessary to perform an AG&I process again.

Bug detected when updating files from previous database versions to the latest one.
Currently the populations maintain their position in the Population Tree when updating files from previous database versions to the latest one.

Improvement performed when the “Analyzed” status is generated in the "Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)" process.
The "Analyzed" status is generated after performing an "Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)" process if all the Check Populations have been reviewed.

Bug detected in the database accesses when adding new files.
When adding new files from the "Add Remove Files" option in an “Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)" process and then loading a database again, no database accesses were spent.

Bug detected when assigning events to Abnormal Populations.
When performing an “Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)” process using an ALOT database and assigning events to the Abnormal Population, the compass tool was not displayed.

Improvement performed in the “Other + name of a Population” node.
This node is displayed in the language set in the system (English or Spanish).


Improvement performed when closing an AG&I process.
Currently when closing an AG&I process and then loading an .fcs file, the default profile is loaded automatically.

Bug detected when dragging and dropping reference images among profiles.
Currently it is possible to drag and drop reference images from one profile to another in the profile manager.

Bug detected in the preview of the MM-MRD report.
The preview of the MM-MRD report in the Profile Manager was not displayed correctly.

Bug detected in the Population Tree when closing Infinicyt™ or opening other file.
When closing Infinicyt™ or changing the file after performing an AG&I process, the Population Tree was displayed in gray or the default profile was displayed for seconds.

Improvements performed in the LST profile.
The corresponding alias have been added to the parameters with two markers.
The new functionality of the text components has been configured in the section of the report where the user adds the comments and conclusions. The gray legend disappears automatically when selecting the text field and entering the desired information.
The acquisition message has been configured when opening .cyt files.
Text changes in German.
Text improvements performed in the conclusions.

Improvements performed in the MM-MRD profile.
The new functionality of the text components has been configured in the section of the report where the user adds the comments and conclusions. The gray legend disappears automatically when selecting the text field and entering the desired information.
The acquisition message has been configured when opening .cyt files.
The ratio Kappa-Lambda message has been configured to be always displayed.
Text changes in German.

Improvements performed in the CTPC profile.
The new functionality of the text components has been configured in the section of the report where the user adds the comments and conclusions. The gray legend disappears automatically when selecting the text field and entering the desired information.
The acquisition message has been configured when opening .cyt files.
The ratio Kappa-Lambda message has been configured to be always displayed.

Improvements performed in the PID profile.
The new functionality of the text components has been configured in the section of the report where the user adds the comments and conclusions. The gray legend disappears automatically when selecting the text field and entering the desired information.
The name of the CD16 + monocyte population has been changed.
The comments are not duplicated anymore.

Improvements performed in the ALOT profile.
The new functionality of the text components has been configured in the section of the report where the user adds the comments and conclusions. The gray legend disappears automatically when selecting the text field and entering the desired information.
The acquisition message has been configured when opening .cyt files.
Text changes in German.

Automatic Report

Improvement performed in the section where the user can add comments and conclusions.
The gray legend disappears automatically when selecting the text field and entering the desired information.

Improvement performed when ratio Kappa Lambda comments and messages are displayed.
The comment of the report related to the Kappa Lambda ratio has been improved and the message of the Kappa Lambda ratio is always displayed when opening the report.

Improvement performed if the age is not added when performing the AG&I process.
If the age is not added when performing an AG&I process, the conclusion will be displayed empty and the following legend will be displayed in the report: "In order to see the complete report and remove the watermark review the check populations".

Improvement performed in the “Review” menu.
After performing an “Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)” process, the options of the “Review” menu were disabled but the options of the “Review” icon were enabled. Currently, they have the same behavior.

Improvement performed in the comments added by the user.
The user comments are maintained in the Automatic Report even if the alerts of the file are updated.


Improvement performed when exporting the report in .xml format.
The export ID of the content of the text field (where the user enters the comments or conclusions) is displayed in the .xml of the Report.

Bug detected when selecting the Change Control option.
When updating the alerts of a .cyt file generated in a previous version, the Change Control option is working correctly.


Improvement performed when selecting the cells in a table.
The performance when selecting the cells of a table to enter information has been improved in the report.


Bug detected when dragging and dropping components in the report.
It is possible to drag and drop a component within a text component in the report even if the zoom has been used to make that text component bigger.


Improvement performed in parameters with two markers.
TR:20256, 21716, 23319
If a parameter has two markers, it is possible to enter an alias for each one.


Improvement in the performance of this module.
When using Infinicyt™ for a long time without closing it, it lost performance.


Improvement performed in the text format displayed in Profile > Configure > Current Profile Settings > Statistics.
The format of the following option has been set to bold: "Absolute Count for samples with special requirements (CSF, FNA, etc.)".


Improvements in the performance of the software.
TR:23210, 23202, 23190, 23191, 23210
Performance improvements when using large .cyt files generated after an AG&I process.
Performance improvements in Merge Control.
Performance improvements when reading .fcs files.
Performance improvements when reading .cyt files generated after an AG&I process.
Performance improvements when working with files with an AG&I process performed.

Bug detected when opening several Infinicyt™ sessions at the same time.
Currently it is possible to have several sessions of Infinicyt™ opened at the same time.


Improvement performed when saving uncompressed .cyt files.
TR:23187, 23276
It is possible to save .cyt files uncompressed.

Calculate Data

Bug detected when opening .cyt files without events in abnormal populations.
Currently data calculation is not performed when opening .cyt files without events in abnormal populations.


Bug detected when clusters were moved to other populations.
When clusters were moved to a population, the visibility of events of some populations was removed.


Bug detected when loading an AG&I profile.
Diagrams were displayed in white when loading an AG&I profile.

Improvements performed in the configuration of SDs and Density.
It is possible to configure the SD and Density in the same tab of the "Configure Data Visualization" option of the diagrams.


Bug detected when selecting the "Make File Names Anonymous" option in Batch.
The "Make File Names Anonymous" option (located in the “Batch Analysis” section of the “Advanced” tab) was enabled when returning from the third step to the second step in Batch Analysis. It should not be activated unless there are changes in the configuration of the output files anonymization.

Bug detected when running the Batch (memory and CPU).
TR:23295, 13552
Memory issues generated when running the Batch have been fixed.

Improvements performed when exporting the report in .pdf format of .cyt files from Batch.
The Export Report tab has been enabled to export the report of .cyt files in Batch.

Batch Automated Gating and Identification

Improvements performed in the Automated Gating and Identification step of Batch Analysis.
TR:21856, 21889, 22774, 21046
It is possible to perform an “Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)” process using several files in Batch Analysis.
It is possible to update the alerts when working with the “Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)” step in Batch Analysis.
When performing an "Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)" process in Batch Analysis, if the file does not have enough parameters, the comment "Not enough corresponded parameters" is displayed and the "None" option is selected in the parameter dropdown menu of the "Check Parameters" window.
When working in the "Export Report" tab after performing an "Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)" process, the report of the database profile is exported.

Bug detected when performing an "Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)" process from the Batch Analysis module.
Currently the 5-95 configuration of the alerts is saved in the files with an "Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)" process performed from the Batch Analysis module.

Batch Report

Bug detected when displaying the report of files with an "Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)" process performed from the Batch Analysis module.
The comments and conclusions of the report were not correctly displayed when working with files with an "Automated Gating and Identification (AG&I)" process performed from the Batch module.


Bug detected when opening the “Configure Data Visualization” window in a diagram.
An internal error occurred when opening the “Configure Data Visualization” window in a diagram with a maturation path drawn.


Improvement performed when updating the sentinel driver.
The Sentinel driver has been updated in the installer of Infinicyt™.

Improvement performed when installing Infinicyt™.
Infinicyt™ has been protected with a code signature certificate.


Improvements performed in the CTPC profile.
TR:22318, 22558, 22868
The messages related to the profile are displayed in English and Spanish.
The Unspecified nucleated cells population has been added to the statistics table of the Report and it is displayed under the Monocytes population in the Population Tree.
The Immunophenotype table of the Report cannot be edited.

Improvements performed in the MM MRD profile.
The messages related to the profile are displayed in English and Spanish.

Improvements performed in the LST (PB) profile.
TR:21967, 22315, 22557, 22661, 22865
The messages related to the profile are displayed in English and Spanish.
The configuration of the messages has been modified to display them.
The Unspecified nucleated cells population has been added to the Cellularity table.
The Immunophenotype section has been added to the second sheet of the Report.
Review of the text contents performed.
The NK comparatives have been removed.
Alerts related to absent populations have been configured.
A comment has been configured to be displayed when the number of Eosinophils has diminished or is absent.
B cells, Kappa, Lambda, Debris, Doublets and Abnormal B cells populations are displayed in the related populations of the B cells when they exceed 20% of the upper reference limit

Improvements performed in the ALOT (PB and BM) profile.
TR:22314, 22555, 22658, 22867
The messages related to the profile are displayed in English and Spanish.
The watermark has been configured.
The order of the Eosinophils, Neutrophils and Monocytes populations has been homogenized in both profiles.
The Acquisition Control configuration of the Abnormal precursors has been modified.
The daughter populations of the NK population are taken into account in the alerts configuration.
IDs added for the reference populations of the immunophenotype to identify them in the .xml.
The system profiles have been homogenized with the databases profiles.
The Unspecified nucleated cells population has been added to the Cellularity table.
The Immunophenotype section has been added to the second sheet of the Report.
The Acquisition message has been modified in all languages.
The cellularity table has been adjusted to improve the visualization of the populations in all languages.
The Unspecified alert has been deleted.
Review of the text contents performed.
The user can add the desired comments to

Bug detected when loading an ALOT database.
The APS diagram and a diagram containing File Number were not displayed when loading an ALOT database.

Bug detected when displaying the preview of the ALOT (PB) Report from the Report tab of a profile located in Profile Manager.
When displaying the preview of a Report from a profile located in Profile Manager, the contents are now correctly visualized.

Improvement performed in the text contents of the ALOT profile.
When displaying the preview of a Report from a profile located in Profile Manager, the contents are displayed in the corresponding language.

Improvement performed when updating the alerts.
When updating the alerts, the corresponding populations are displayed in the Cellularity table of the Report.

Improvements performed in the PIDOT profile.
TR:22316, 22367, 22559, 22659, 22866
The messages related to the profile are displayed in English and Spanish.
Review of the text contents performed.
The range of the PIDOT alert for TcRgd- has been modified.
The Unspecified nucleated cells population has been added to the statistics table of the Report.
Currently the message displayed when the percentage of events in the Check Populations is higher than expected is: The percentage of events in the Check Populations (events not identified automatically) is higher than expected.
The legends displayed below the cellularity table have been adjusted and the watermark legend can be displayed in a single line.
Alerts configured in the Population Tree for Absent Populations.
A comment has been configured to be displayed when the number of Eosinophils has diminished or is absent.

Bug detected when performing a Tile.
Currently, when closing the comparative diagrams of the PID profile and then performing a Tile, the diagrams are rearranged.

Bug detected when saving a customized profile.
If the user does not select the option to display a message when the current changes are not saved, they will not be displayed.

Bug detected when selecting a database to visualize the profile.
Currently, the profile displayed is the one of the selected database.

Bug detected in the Check Parameters window.
When changing the correspondences and then undoing the changes a warning was displayed to inform the user that there was an error in the correspondences. This message was incorrect and it is not displayed anymore.

Automated Gating and Identification

Improvement performed when assigning events after performing an AG&I process.
If the user assigns events to a population, enters in the review mode and then assigns them to an absent population, currently the populations are displayed automatically following the order of the database profile.

Improvement performed when working in review mode after performing an AG&I process.
After performing an AG&I process, entering in the review mode of related populations, selecting the ‘Add/Remove File’ option and changing the name of a parameter, currently the node of the absent populations is not duplicated.

Bug detected when working with the databases.
Currently, only when a database is compatible it is displayed in green or yellow.

Bug detected when reviewing a population using the clustering tool.
Currently, it is possible to assign a population using the clustering tool and then review it.

Bug detected when cancelling the clustering process.
When using the clustering tool and cancelling the process, the analysis currently stops and it is not performed.

Improvement performed in the AG&I window.
The new sentence related to the statistical method is: Select statistical method to use the reference range.

Improvement performed when opening a .cyt file and assigning events.
The warning that prompts the user to modify the analysis after opening a .cyt file and assigning events, currently is only displayed once.

Bug detected after performing an AG&I process and closing the Compass diagram.
After performing an AG&I process and closing the Compass diagram, currently the populations selected in the databases window are maintained selected.

Bug detected when loading an ALOT database.
A warning was displayed without information. This warning is not displayed anymore.

Bug detected when performing a second AG&I process.
After performing an AG&I process using an ALOT database and the assigning events to the Abnormal population, it was not possible to perform another AG&I process.


Bug detected in the CV alert.
The comment of the CV alert was not displayed even if the user had added a common comment. Currently, the comments of the CV alert are displayed correctly.

Automatic Report

Improvement performed in the warning displayed when exporting an Automatic Report of a PIDOT profile.
The text content of the checkbox has been improved and now the sentence displayed is: Do not ask again for this AG&I analysis.


Bug detected when exporting the Report in .pdf format.
Some diagrams were exported in white, currently the diagrams are exported with all the information as they are visualized in the Report.

Improvement performed when pasting 3D diagrams to the Report.
The diagrams are now pasted to the Report maintaining their size displayed in Analysis.

Improvement performed when saving the Report in .png format.
Currently, the overwriting message is only displayed once.


Improvement performed in the statistics table of the Report.
The statistics table of the Report is updated automatically according to the changes performed in the Population Tree of Analysis and the font color does not change.


Bug detected when adding components to a textbox.
TR:13385, 14717, 18065
The text added between components in a textbox was not displayed. Currently, the text added between components in a textbox is visualized.
When adding a comment to a text component of the Report, the size of the font added is maintained.
When adding text to a textbox in the Report, then changing the font format, dragging part of the text and dropping it to another place, the modified format is currently maintained.


Bug detected when adding diagrams to the Report.
An internal error occurred when adding new diagrams from the Report.

Database Accesses

Bug detected when loading databases.
Sometimes when loading a database and then cancelling the process, the database access was spent. Currently, the database accesses are only spent when required.


Improvement performed in text contents.
Some sentences have been reviewed and improved.

Bug detected when changing the computer configuration.
When changing the size of the computer elements, the changes were not applied to Infinicyt™.

General Files

Bug detected when saving .cyt files.
TR:17013, 18382
The computer deletes the temporary files, therefore the location where the Infinicyt™ temporary files are saved has been modified not to be deleted.
An error warning was displayed when saving a .cyt file with another name in another location and then trying to export it.

Bug detected when the parameters are adjusted to the PNR..
TR:22201, 22279
Events outside the ranges could not be selected. Currently, the parameters are not adjusted to the PNR.
When saving .cyt files and then opening them again, they were generating events with error. Currently, the parameters are not adjusted to the PNR.

Improvement performed when saving an analyzed file.
The error warning displayed when saving an analyzed file has been improved and now the information is easier to understand.

Improvement performed when saving files in Infinicyt™.
It is possible to save files larger than 4GB.

File Merge

Bug detected when saving a file with a non-supported format in Infinicyt™.
Currently, when loading files with non-supported format, Infinicyt™ displays a warning and it is not possible to load them.

Population Tree

Improvement performed when loading different profiles and dragging Reference Images or Analysis Strategies from one profile to the other.
When loading different profiles and dragging Reference Images or Analysis Strategies from one profile to the other, the populations are not duplicated in the Population Tree.

Calculate Data

Bug detected when selecting files with FSC-A, FSC-H and SSC-A parameters in Calculate Data and performing a gate.
When selecting files with FSC-A, FSC-H and SSC-A parameters in Calculate Data, performing a gate and then assigning those events to a population, the saving bar remains displayed all the time.

Bug detected in the Calculate Data module after performing an AG&I process.
An internal error occurred in this module after performing an AG&I process.

Improvement performed in Calculate Data.
The efficiency of this module has been improved.


Improvement when performing SD calculations.
The SD calculations have been improved.


Bug detected when opening files with 5 million events.
When opening these files and modifying the compensation matrix, Infinicyt™ remained frozen after drawing gates or the events within the gate were not selected in the rest of the diagrams.

Bug detected when closing a diagram.
TR:18918, 19149
The Close all 2D with [----] Except Selected option did not work and it was not possible to correct compensations quickly.
An internal error occurred when closing a diagram that was being loaded and pressing Ctrl+R keys.


Improvement detected in Basic Infinicyt™ Licenses.
Currently, the Draw Maturation Pathway option is displayed disabled in the context menu of the diagrams.

Bug detected in Maturation diagrams.
TR:12223, 16215
It was not possible to display the SDs in normalized diagrams.

Bug detected when configuring the visualization of the Maturation Info diagram.
An internal error occurred when opening a .cyt file containing a reference maturation and configuring the Maturation Info diagram.


Bug detected when loading a maturation database.
An error warning was displayed when loading a maturation database.

Bug detected in the scale of a maturation diagram.
The range displayed in the scale of a maturation diagram was incorrect and showed an area without events.


Bug detected when assigning gates after loading a Compass database.
When selecting a population, drawing a gate and then selecting another population, the gate drawn was not deleted.

Compass ALOT

Bug detected when loading an ALOT database.
An internal error occurred when loading two files, then loading the ALOT database and displaying the Compass diagram with only one visible tube.

Compass - Edition

Bug detected in Compass Manager.
Add Previous Case and Add Next Case options did not work in Compass Manager.

Create Databases

Bug detected when importing a database.
An internal error occurred when importing a database that was not supported by Infinicyt™. Currently when importing databases that are not compatible with Infinicyt™, a warning is displayed to inform the user that it is not possible to import the selected database.


Improvements performed in the MM-MRD profile.
TR:20849, 21379, 21737, 21970, 22070
After performing an AG&I process the Population Tree and the Automatic Report can be displayed in thirteen different languages.
Comparative diagrams have been added in Analysis.
The tooltips displayed in the comparative diagrams have been updated in thirteen languages.
T, NK cells and Basophils population might be displayed as a related population.
The following legend has been added to the Immunophenotype section: Database normal cells have been used for the automated immunophenotypic description of the abnormal cells.
Positivity alerts have been added to the Immunophenotype section of the Automatic Report.
The legend related to remove the watermark is displayed below the Unchecked Events.

Bug detected when displaying the cellularity table in the Automatic Report.
The populations displayed in the cellularity table of the Automatic Report did not follow the order established in the Population Tree of Analysis.

Improvements performed in the profiles: new CTPC profile added.
TR:20574, 20712, 20715, 21379, 21711, 21736, 21969, 22069, 22150
The CTPC database is now available in commercial versions.
The CTPC system profile has been updated and now is the same than the one of the database.
After performing an AG&I process the Population Tree and the Automatic Report can be displayed in thirteen different languages.
Comparative diagrams have been added in Analysis.
The tooltips displayed in the comparative diagrams have been updated in thirteen languages.
The following legend has been added to the Immunophenotype section: Database normal cells have been used for the automated immunophenotypic description of the abnormal cells.
The phenotypes are displayed in one row in the Immunophenotype section.
The text content displayed in the Automatic Report has been homogenized.
The legend related to remove the watermark is displayed below the Unchecked Events.

Improvements performed in the PIDOT profile.
TR:21332, 21379, 21713, 21779, 21972, 22017, 22071
After performing an AG&I process the Population Tree and the Automatic Report can be displayed in thirteen different languages.
The tooltips displayed in the comparative diagrams have been updated in thirteen languages.
The legend displayed in the CD4+CD8- comparative diagram has been modified.
A second sheet containing comments and conclusions has been added in the Automatic Report.
Percentile alerts have been added to the CD4/CD8 ratio function.
The percentile 10-90 has been configured and it is displayed in the reference range combo of the AG&I Configuration window.
Alerts related to age-reference ranges have been modified (of the total percentage of debris).
B cell and T cell Check Populations can display Debris and Doublets as related populations.
The legend related to remove the watermark is displayed below the Unchecked Events.

Improvements performed after performing an AG&I process using a PIDOT database.
TR:14738, 19243, 21497, 21981
The clustering algorithm and the configuration of the T cells has been improved to obtain accurate results.

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process using a file with errors and a PIDOT database.
An internal error occurred when performing an AG&I process using a file with errors and a PIDOT database.

Improvements performed in the LST profile.
TR:20712, 20715, 21351, 21379, 21669, 21688, 21698, 21733, 22066
After performing an AG&I process the Population Tree and the Automatic Report can be displayed in thirteen different languages.
Abnormal/Expanded TCRgd- population has been replaced by Abnormal/Expanded CD4-CD8-/dim TCRgd.
Comparative diagrams have been added in Analysis.
The tooltips displayed in the comparative diagrams have been updated in thirteen languages.
The EuroFlow LST profile is meant to be used with peripheral blood samples therefore the PB initials are displayed along with the LST profile in Profile>Configure>Profile Manager>EuroFlow Tubes Profiles.
The percentile 10-90 has been configured and it is displayed in the reference range combo of the AG&I Configuration window.
The keyword of the Infinicyt version is displayed in the footer and cannot be modified.
The following legend has been added to the Immunophenotype section: Database normal cells have been used for the automated immunophenotypic description of the abnormal cells.
The phenotypes are displayed in one row in the Imm

Improvements performed in the profiles: new ALOT BM and PB profiles added.
TR:20712, 20715, 20884, 21379, 21717, 21735, 21868, 21974, 22067, 22151, 22276
ALOT BM and ALOT PB databases have been added.
After performing an AG&I process the Population Tree and the Automatic Report can be displayed in thirteen different languages.
Comparative diagrams have been added in Analysis.
The tooltips displayed in the comparative diagrams have been updated in thirteen languages.
Medians have been added in APS diagrams.
Not acute leukemia added to the statistics table of the Automatic Report.
New comments and new conclusions have been added.
The statistics regarding the abnormal precursors displayed in the Automatic Report are the result of the comparison with the ALOT classification database, therefore the statistics table of the Automatic Report only displays the populations showed in the Compass diagram.
The following legend has been added to the Immunophenotype section: Database normal cells have been used for the automated immunophenotypic description of the abnormal cells.
The phenotypes are displayed in one row in the Immunophenotype section.

Improvement performed in the functions.
In the Automatic Report, the user can see if the alerts are configured with SD or percentiles.

Improvement performed when displaying the immature population in a Compass diagram.
The Compass diagram displays the percentage of the immature population (identified with an “i”) regarding to the abnormal population

Improvement performed in the profiles of the databases that display immunophenotypes.
The efficiency has been improved and now the Automatic Report is opened faster.

Improvement performed in the Automatic Report.
The user can choose to display the focus of the Automatic Report in the first or in the second sheet.

Automated Gating and Identification

Improvement performed when opening a .cyt file.
TR:21647, 21684
If the user opens a .cyt file containing and AG&I process performed using a PIDOT database and updates the alerts, the comparative diagrams are visualized with all the corresponding information.
When opening a .cyt file, Infinicyt™ only prompts the user to update the alerts once.

Improvement performed after reviewing the Check Populations.
Currently, the acquisition control warning is displayed after the Check Populations are reviewed by the user.

Improvement performed when displaying the tooltips of the comparative diagrams.
Currently, the tooltips of the comparative diagrams display the corresponding name of the population as it is displayed in the Population Tree. These tooltips are displayed in the language selected by the user to perform the AG&I process.

Improvement when displaying the Automated Gating and Identification initials in Spanish.
Currently, we maintain the initials AG&I in English even if we are working in Spanish.

Improvement performed when displaying the positivity comments in the Automatic Report.
The corresponding comments related to the positivity percentage are now displayed in the Immunophenotype section of the Automatic Report.

Improvement performed when purchasing database accesses.
Currently, the user can purchase unlimited accesses to perform as many AG&I process as desired within specific time frames.

Improvement performed when opening a .cyt file which contains an AG&I process.
TR:21999, 22088
There are three different warnings that Infinicyt™ displays when opening a .cyt file which contains an AG&I process: one is related to the database, another one to the alerts version.
If the user did not install the databases, Infinicyt™ works in offline mode.

Improvement performed in the AG&I process.
TR:21354, 21507
The efficiency has been improved.

Improvement performed when displaying the Provisional watermark in the Automatic Report.
TR:21849, 22104
The Provisional watermark is now translated into the thirteen languages available to perform the AG&I process.

Improvement performed in the profiles of the databases.
Currently, the comparative diagrams are displayed when performing an AG&I process using any profile.

Improvement performed in the warning displayed when opening a .cyt file that was analyzed using a database version different to the one installed in the computer.
The following information has been added: No additional Database Accesses will be used.

Improvement in a Compass diagram when performing an AG&I process using the ALOT BM or PB databases.
Currently, when performing Ctrl+Z in a Compass diagram the actions are undone.

Improvement performed in the APS diagram.
The information displayed in the tooltips related to the APS diagram has been modified.

Improvement performed when opening a .cyt file that contains alerts.
If the user opens a .cyt file that contains alerts and updates them, those alerts will not be deleted.

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process and changing the language several times alternatively.
The Check Populations were not displayed in the Population Tree of Analysis.

Improvement performed when performing an AG&I process using merged files
When opening files individually that contains alerts from a different alerts version than the one installed in the computer and then the user adds another .cyt file, the warning related to the alerts version will be displayed.

Bug detected when classifying an abnormal population after performing an AG&I process.
When the user classifies an abnormal population after performing an AG&I process, the Automatic Report is updated automatically with the new information.

Improvement performed when displaying the Compass diagram in the report.
The Compass diagram can be copied and pasted into the report maintaining its visibility.

Improvement performed in the footer of the Automatic Report.
It is possible to modify the footer of the Automatic Report but the keyword of the version cannot be removed.

Improvement performed when working with text-box components placed in a section of the Automatic Report.
It is possible to add other components in the text-box components.

Improvement performed when calculating the events/µl alerts in any database.
Currently, the user can select a Check Population as the reference population to calculate the events/µl alerts.

Improvement performed when calculating the positivity.
If markers are present only in one tube then the positivity is calculated respecting this single tube.

Improvement performed in the Add additional Conclusion section of the Automatic Report.
Currently, it is possible to add keywords to the Add Additional Conclusion section.

Improvement performed in the Provisional watermark of the Automatic Report.
The Provisional watermark is displayed in the language selected by the user to perform the AG&I process.

Improvement performed in the Automatic Report.
All normal and abnormal populations of the sample are evaluated. The corresponding percentage displayed in the comments is the sum of both normal and abnormal population percentages.

Improvement performed when displaying the frequency values in Analysis and in the Automatic Report.
The corresponding frequency values displayed in Analysis and in the Automatic Report are the same.

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process, then assigning events and undoing the action.
The Automatic Report updates automatically when the user performs changes in Analysis after performing an AG&I process.

Improvement performed when opening a .cyt file with a different profile version.
If the user opens a .cyt file with a different profile version the following message will be displayed: A different profile version is installed on your computer. The data of the profile will be updated.

Improvement performed in the message displayed when opening a .cyt file with a different database version.
TR:21175, 21448
Currently, the message displayed when opening a .cyt file with a different database version is: This file was analyzed using a Database version that is previous to the current version installed on your computer. Do you want to run the AG&I tool again using the current Database?
A question mark has been added at the beginning of the question in the Spanish message.

Improvement performed when opening a .cyt file with a different database version.
When opening a .cyt file with a different database version and updating it with the current one, no extra database accesses will be spent.

Bug detected when opening a .cyt file with a different profile version.
When opening a .cyt file with a different profile version and updating it with the current one, the profile version was not updated.

Bug detected when opening a .cyt file with function alerts and without databases installed in the computer.
When opening a .cyt file with function alerts and without databases installed in the computer, the name of the function was displayed in another language.


Bug detected when working with the reference images in the Report.
TR:11707, 21460
If the user deletes a population from the Population Tree of Analysis which is displayed in a reference image, the name of the population removed is maintained in the Population Tree of the report but bordered in yellow.
The Reference Images are displayed in the Report when the corresponding checkbox is selected in Report>Diagrams>Options tab>Reference Image Configuration.

Improvement performed in the Profile Manager.
Currently, the user can drag a profile from the Profile Manager and drop it into the current profile, the sheets of the dragged report will be copied and displayed in the current profile.

Improvement performed in the Report.
When adding an image inside a text-box component the focus remains in the sheet where the user is configuring the text component.

Bug detected when resizing the images in the header and the footer.
When resizing images in the header or the footer, the text content also displayed is maintained in the same row.

Bug detected when selecting a different keyword in the statistics table of the Report.
Currently, the user can select a keyword and right-click on it to open its contextual menu to display other keywords available and select the desired one.

Bug detected when saving the Report in .pdf format.
When saving the Report in .pdf format some diagrams were displayed without information. Currently, the Report is saved with the same information displayed in the screens.

Bug detected when working with one-row tables in the Report.
An internal error occurred when creating a table with only one row and trying to add another one at the top.

Bug detected when having a Compass diagram in the Report and performing changes in Analysis.
Currently, the Compass diagram of the Report is updated automatically when performing changes in Analysis.


Improvement performed in the algorithm related to the correspondences.
TR:18815, 21680
The algorithm related to the correspondences has been improved to get accurate results regarding the markers.


Improvement performed in the diagrams.
TR:21539, 21789
The Opacity option has been added in the contextual menu of the diagrams to improve the visualization of the overlapped populations.

Improvement performed in Analysis: the desktop option has been added.
TR:21635, 21955, 22014, 22159
It is possible to create several desktops and customize them with the desired diagrams.
The shortcut to select the desktop is Alt+n (being “n” the number of the desired desktop).
When selecting a desktop, the diagrams and the Analysis window are loaded in Analysis occupying full screen.
The Diagramas option now is named Escritorios when working in Spanish.

Bug detected when selecting a desktop.
Currently, when selecting a desktop it is loaded in Analysis.

Improvement performed in the cytometer scale (PNR).
TR:20153, 20492, 20948, 20952, 22073
Infinicyt™ does not change the PNR when working with merged files.
The parameters are not adapted to the PNR anymore.

Improvement performed in the About Infinicyt window.
The copyright has been updated.

Bug detected when working with the Number of Displayed Events option.
When selecting this option all the events displayed in the diagrams are updated.

Bug detected in the Select files window.
Currently, the user can paste names in the Select files window.

Improvement performed when displaying the tooltips of the medians.
The median values of the TIME parameter are not displayed anymore.

Bug detected when applying the zoom in Parameter Band diagrams.
The events selected in the diagram are maintained selected when applying the zoom.

Improvement performed in the user profile name.
The names of the user profiles are displayed in Analysis.

Bug detected when loading files from the Databases window.
An internal error occurred when loading files from the Databases window.

Improvement performed when displaying the events in the diagrams.
The visualization of the events has been improved.

Bug detected when closing a file.
The message to prompt the user to save the changes performed in a file were displayed when closing a file even if there were no changes performed.

Bug detected in the Check Populations window when dragging a reference image from a profile into another.
Currently, the software relates the populations of both profiles that display with the same name. If the software does not find a correspondence prompts the user to select among several populations.

Bug detected in the Check Populations window when dragging a report’s sheet containing a Population keyword from a profile into the current one.
Currently when dragging a report’s sheet containing a Population keyword from a profile into the current one, the Check Populations window is displayed.

Improvement performed in the Population Tree of Analysis.
The user can create as many populations as desired in the Population Tree of Analysis. There is no limit.

Bug detected when opening an .fcs file.
An internal error occurred when opening an .fcs file, deleting all diagrams and then opening a specific .fcs file.
An internal error occurred when opening a specific .fcs file and performing a Tile.

Improvement performed when applying the zoom.
When modifying the zoom from Profile Configuration after performing a gate in a logarithmic file and then reviewing the population, now the gate and the corresponding events are displayed according to the applied zoom.

Bug detected when displaying the statistics information from Profile Configure.
Currently, all the corresponding information about the statistics is displayed from Profile>Configure>Statistics.

Improvement performed when internal errors occur.
If an internal error occurs, the Send Error Files window is opened so the user can view the error files, send them to Cytognos or recover the desired file. Once, this window is closed, Infinicyt™ will also close automatically.

Bug detected when opening a specific .cyt file.
An internal error occurred when opening the file.


Bug detected when working with merged files without SSC.
An internal error occurred when creating the diagrams or performing a Tile.ç

Bug detected when working with files containing a lot of parameters.
An internal error occurred when opening files with a lot of parameters.
An internal error occurred when opening a file with a lot of parameters, deleting all diagrams, then performing a Tile and loading the default profile.

Analysis Strategies

Bug detected when applying an analysis strategy in a MM-MRD file of Navios.
An internal error occurred when applying an analysis strategy in a MM-MRD file of Navios.

Bug detected when using an analysis strategy that contains a gate drawn over the TIME parameter.
Analysis Strategies containing any gate drawn over a parameter that depends on the number of events (e.g.: TIME, File Number, etc.) should not be saved.


Bug detected when saving the Export Statistics step.
The Population Tree was displayed with a different width.

Bug detected when selecting the User Defined option from the Advanced tab in Export File step.
Currently, the information is updated when selecting User Defined option from the Advanced tab.

Improvement performed in the File List field of the Batch tool.
The files displayed in the File List are numbered from 1.

Bug detected when performing an AG&I process in Batch Analysis.
An internal error occurred when performing an AG&I process in Batch Analysis and clicking on the Yes button of the different parameters scale warning. Currently, Infinicyt™ does not change the PNR when working with merged files.


Bug detected when creating a maturation manually.
An internal error occurred when creating a maturation of one stage and assigning events.

Improvement performed when hovering over the reference band of a database maturation.
The reference band of the maturation diagram is not displayed highlighted when hovering over it in the maturation diagrams.

Bug detected when selecting events in the maturation diagram.
It is only possible to select the visible events in the maturation diagrams.

Bug detected when cancelling the Draw Maturation Pathway option and loading a maturation database.
Currently when cancelling the Draw Maturation Pathway option, the process stops and if the user loads another maturation database only one maturation diagram is displayed.

Bug detected in the maturation diagram of the report when updating the information.
The maturation diagram displayed in the report is updated automatically according to the changes performed in Analysis even if the user loads again the same maturation database but changes the correspondences.

Offline Compensation

Bug detected when changing the parameters in the FSC vs SSC diagram in the Offline Compensation module.
Currently, it is possible to change the parameters displayed in the diagrams of the Offline Compensation module.

Improvement performed when deleting gates in the diagrams of the Offline Compensation module.
Currently if the user deletes a gate in a diagram, the events inside do not remain highlighted.

Bug detected when deleting all gates in the Offline Compensation module.
An internal error occurred after the Offline Compensation process when drawing a gate in a DotPlot and then using the Ctrl+0 shortcut to delete all gates.


Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
The copyright of Infinicyt™ 1.8 and 2.0 has been updated.

Databases and Profiles

Improvements performed in the PID profile.
TR:21128, 21158
Percentile reference ranges added.
A provisional watermark is displayed in the Automatic Report when not all the Check Populations have been reviewed and the events/µl value has not been added.
A legend explaining how to remove the watermark is displayed in the Automatic Report (bold format and highlighted in yellow).
IDs added to make easier the export of data to XML.
New order of Frequency and Events/µl columns.
The sheet of the Automatic Report cannot be removed.

Improvements after performing an AG&I using the PID database.
TR:18849, 21174
The CD4+ CD8+population must not be classified in the Absent Populations node unless the parent population has not events, in this specific case all of its daughter populations will be classified in Absent Populations.
• TR (20824, 21033, 21160 and 21178) Improvements performed in the LST profile.
Percentile reference ranges of the alerts added.
Text content reviewed in English and Spanish.
Eosinophils and eosinophilia comments configuration added.
Frequency comments configured including the eosinophils.
IDs added to make easier the export of data to XML.
The CD4+ CD8+ population has been added to the Normal and Abnormal populations of the Population Tree.
The CD4 CD8 ratio has been configured.
Functions have been hidden.
Kappa-Lambda ratio has been configured.
Comments related to the acquisition control have been configured for all abnormal populations.
The CD4+ CD8+ population has been added to the cellularity table of the report.
Some conclu

Improvement performed in the cellularity table of the report after performing an AG&I process using the LST database.
The frequency reference range of the Additional Abnormal population is not displayed in the cellularity table of the report.

Improvements performed in the MM MRD profile.
TR:20572, 20989, 21015, 21203
The conclusions have been updated.
New text content translated into Czech, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Chinese.
Changes performed in the reference ranges of the alerts.
IDs added to make easier the export of data to XML.
The sheet of the automatic report cannot be removed.
A provisional watermark is displayed in the Automatic Report when not all the Check Populations have been reviewed.
A legend explaining how to remove the watermark is displayed in the Automatic Report (bold format and highlighted in yellow).
The analysis strategy has been added to the profile of the system (MM MRD).

Automated Gating and Identification

Improvement when performing an AG&I process using standard 2.0 files.
It is possible to perform an AG&I process using this type of files.

Improvements performed in the AG&I Configuration window.
TR:20801, 20827, 21021
Select the type of SD that you want apply has been replaced by Select the reference range that you want apply.
An example of the events/µl has been added.
The AG&I Configuration window has been homogenized and always displays the same information.

Improvement when dragging a file and dropping it into the databases window.
It is possible to drag and drop a file into the Databases window.

Improvement performed in the Alerts window.
TR:20365, 20682, 20773
The alerts column displays the parameters name of the database.
The columns of the alerts window can be rearranged correctly.
When hovering over the alerts column a tooltip displays the two decimals of the alert reference range.

Bug detected when comparing a case with a database.
An internal error occurred when performing an AG&I process.

Improvement performed when opening a CYT file.
The following warning is displayed when the user opens a CYT file, does not update the file with the alerts version of the database and modifies the analysis: If you modify the analysis, the alerts will be deleted. Do you want to continue?

Improvement performed in the warning displayed when the percentage of events higher than expected.
After performing an AG&I process, the following warning is displayed when the percentage of events is higher than expected: The percentage of events not assigned automatically (Check Populations) is higher than expected.

Analysis Strategy

Improvement performed when applying an analysis strategy over several tubes.
If an analysis strategy is performed over several tubes, it will be applied always over the same number of tubes.

Bugs detected when applying an analysis strategy.
TR:14799, 19778
An internal error occurred when applying an analysis strategy that was previously saved and performed using a Compass comparative.
An internal error occurred when applying an analysis strategy and trying to create populations.


Improvements performed in Compass.
TR:13002, 13391
It is possible to copy a Compass diagram from Analysis and paste it into the report.
When drawing a gate over a Compass comparative and then reviewing it, the diagram displays the corresponding events.

Bug detected when working with Compass.
An internal error occurred when deleting a user Compass database.


Bugs detected when working with Maturation.
TR:12305, 13958, 16289, 20997
An internal error occurred when changing the representation of a parameter and then selecting that parameter.
The Draw Maturation Pathway option was disabled in the contextual menu of the APS 2 diagram.
An internal error occurred when drawing gates, assigning them to a population, drawing a maturation pathway in an APS diagram and then selecting a parameter in the maturation diagram.
An internal error occurred when drawing a maturation over several populations having 100 stages.


Bugs detected when working with Batch.
TR:12107, 17196, 19814
The cellularity table of the report was not completely exported from Batch.
An internal error occurred when performing an AG&I process and then loading CYT and FCS files in Batch.
When loading the same CYT file several times and then a FCS, the profile that was originally loaded could not be opened in Batch.


Improvement performed in the Check Parameters window.
The correspondence of the parameters has been improved.

Bug detected when exporting a file.
An internal error occurred when saving a file and when exporting a file with only one parameter.

Bug detected when opening files.
TR:20494, 20594, 20951, 21053
It was not possible to work with files containing data higher than the PNR value.

Improvement performed in the Send Error Files window.
The following information has been added: Make sure you are not sending patient information.

Improvement performed when applying the zoom.
If the user is working with a global zoom and reviews a gate performed using a local zoom, a new diagram is created with the new configuration not to interfere with the rest of the diagrams.


Improvements performed in the software architecture.
TR:20936, 20983
The code has been improved.

General Files

Improvement performed in Infinicyt™
The values higher than the PNR are set as not valid to avoid compatibility problems.


Improvement performed in the LST profile
Comments and conclusions have been updated
The SD frequencies have been updated too, they are expressed as a percentage and cannot be higher than 100%.

Improvement performed in the PIDOT profile
The SD frequencies have been updated, they are expressed as a percentage and cannot be higher than 100%


Improvement performed when working with the APS diagram
If the APS diagram is not supervised, the visualization checkbox must be disabled.

Bug detected when working with merged files
When working with merged files, the means or medians are not visualized in the 2D diagrams if the parameters displayed are non-common in all tubes.

Automated Gating and Identification

Bug detected when opening CYT files analyzed with the EuroFlow™ databases of previous versions of the software.
TR:20865, 20881
If a CYT file contained different parameters (e.g. APC-C750 or APC C750) from the database the clonality phenotype would not be displayed in the report. Now the clonality is always displayed in the report independently of the spelling of the parameters.
The language in the report would change when accepting to update alerts from previously analyzed files in versions lower than 2.0.1.g. The automatic report now displays the language used when the file was first analyzed with the database.
Note: In previous Infinicyt™ versions (before 2.0.1 g) the automatic report is displayed in the language selected in Profile>Configure>Databases>Languages.

Databases and profiles

New EuroFlow profile, and AG&I and automatic report for the LST panel.
TR:20292, 20409, 20419, 20427, 20437, 20438, 20440, 20557, 20676, 20716, 20720, 20813
File Number diagram included in the profile.
The %total and %partial statistic columns displayed in the Population Tree.
Comments related to B cells (1st and 2nd populations) clonality can be exported into XML format.
Four age reference ranges included in the database.
Automatic report available in English and Spanish.
Internal control of populations to review in the check populations is set to 2.5%.
Users can add additional comment conclusions to the automatic report.
The review of the AG&I displays related populations using subpopulations for all cell types (when applicable).
If the user does not enter the events/µl value, the paragraphs
If no age is included for the AG&I of the LST profile a default range will be used and the corresponding comments are displayed.
After performing an AG&I process using LST database, it is only possible to assign events to the second abnormal population if there are events assigned to the first abnormal population.

Improvements performed in the PIDOT database and profile.
TR:19358, 19395, 20292, 20437, 20482, 20536, 20818
Comparative diagrams of the database have been included in the PIDOT profile after performing AG&I.
File Number diagram included in the profile.
Two new columns have been added to the alerts window: Value and Range.

Improvements performed in the MM MRD BM database and profile.
TR:20292, 20427, 20437, 20605, 20666
The report is now displayed in two sheets.
The %total and %partial statistic columns displayed in the Population Tree.
After performing an AG&I process using MM MRD BM database, it is only possible to assign events to the second abnormal population if there are events assigned to the first abnormal population.
File Number diagram included in the profile.
Two new columns have been added to the alerts window: Value and Range.


Improvement when performing the calculations of the SDs.
TR:20857, 20863
The calculations of the SDs have been improved to obtain more accurate results.

File merge

Improvement performed when merging two files with the same profile but events present only in one tube.
It is possible to merge two files after performing AG&I even if those files do not have events for all assigned populations of the database.

Automatic Report

Improvement performed in the Change Control option.
TR:20740, 20767
The corresponding changes performed in the automatic report are displayed in the Change Control option, even undoing and redoing actions.


Improvement performed in the MM MRD profile.
TR:18401, 19081
The MM MRD profile has been updated with a new reference image.


Improvement performed when exporting the report in XML format.
The altered and normal characteristics of the phenotype keyword included in the automatic report are exported in XML format.

Improvement performed when the %positivity alert is configured.
The phenotype is displayed in comments and conclusions when the %positivity alert is configured.


Improvement performed in the Alerts window.
TR:20005, 20328
The negative values of the reference ranges are displayed between parentheses.
MedFI (internal reference) and MedFI (database reference) has been translated into Spanish.


Improvement performed when copying and pasting comments into the same category.
The user is prompted to duplicate any comment that already exists in a category.


Improvement performed in the efficiency of Infinicyt™ when having the maximum number of 3D diagrams displayed.
Performance of closing all 3D diagrams at the same time (Ctrl+B) was improved.


Bug detected in Infinicyt™ when opening a second session of Infinicyt™.
A lag was detected when opening a second session of Infinicyt™ in the same computer. Now, it is possible to run efficiently two sessions of Infinicyt™ at the same time.

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