Knowledge Base

Changelog (Old Versions)


Improvements performed in the MM MRD database.
TR:19207, 19265, 19389, 19555, 19862, 20033
Two cellularity tables are displayed in the automatic report. The normal populations are displayed in the first one and the abnormal populations in the second cellularity table. The phenotype component and the alerts have been added to the Abnormal plasma cells (2nd pop). Therefore, when assigning events to the Abnormal plasma cells (2nd pop), the corresponding information (immunophenotype, frequency, etc.) is displayed in the automatic report.
The APS and File Number diagrams have been added to the MM MRD profile.
The user cannot modify the report and currently, the title of the cellularity table is CELLULARITY (estimated based on total nucleated cells analyzed).
The IDs and sections of the MM MRD automatic report are exported in XML and the alerts are calculated by events.


Improvement performed when performing an AG&I.
A new alert based on the SD calculation of the events has been added and all databases have been modified in order to calculate the parameters alerts by events (except MM MRD).

Improvement performed when reviewing the Check Populations.
TR:19550, 20009
After reviewing all the Check Populations of the Population Tree and then opening the automatic report, the check of the Review>Analyzed option is displayed by default.
All populations that do not have events are assigned to the Absent Populations.

Automatic report

Improvement performed when using the Change Control option.
The changes performed in the header or the footer of the automatic report are not displayed in the Change Control option.

Improvement performed in the Cellularity table of the automatic report.
Only the populations displayed in the cellularity table of the automatic report are exported in XML format.

Bug detected in the automatic report when there are populations out of the reference range displayed in the cellularity table.
Currently, only the populations out of the reference ranges are displayed in bold.

Improvement performed in the cellularity table of the automatic report.
The cellularity table is displayed in the selected language.

Improvement performed in the automatic report.
The comments related to the Immunophenotype keyword are displayed in the report.


Improvement performed in the Alerts window.
TR:20013, 20031
In the alerts window, the table cells displayed different colors according to their value above or below the established reference value: red color – above the reference; blue color below the reference.
Events values and Events range have been replaced by Value (MFI) and Range (MFI) respectively.

Improvement performed when evaluating several alerts ranges.
The algorithm used to display alerts has been improved to detect more restrictive ranges.


Improvement performed when exporting the report in XML.
New IDs have been added to export the keywords of the automatic report in XML format.


Improvement performed when adding several keywords to the report.
The efficiency when adding several keywords to the report has been improved. The process is now faster and if it takes time, a loading bar appears.

Improvement performed in the phenotype keyword and in the Check Parameters window.
The order of the parameters has been modified and improved. They are now displayed according to the panel.

Improvement performed when displaying the comments in the report.
Currently, the format selected in the comments preview is maintained in the report.


Improvement performed when copying a table from Infinicyt™ and pasting it into a rich-text editor.
It is possible to paste a table and its content into a rich-text editor.


Improvement performed when opening a spreadsheet in Infinicyt™.
It is possible to open a spreadsheet that contains a column and more than 10 rows with values.

Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
TR:19883, 20162
The copyright of Infinicyt™ 1.8 and 2.0 has been updated.
All parameters have been adjusted to the PNR.


Improvement performed in Parameter Band DotPlot diagrams and Histograms.
When deselecting One band per file option, the number of the files is not displayed in the diagram.


Improvement performed when working with functions.
TR:19754, 19775
The absolute count has been replaced by events/µl.
Currently, the operators follow the corresponding order to perform the calculations.

Compass-Edition Mode

Bug detected when working in Compass Manager.
It is possible to select or deselect the corresponding options available in the Configure Data Visualization option.


Improvement performed in the MM MRD database.
Normal plasma cells have altered CyIg K/L ratio. Confirm/discard the normality of these cells message is displayed in the eautomatic report.


Improvement performed in the alerts.
Only the ranges of the configured alerts are displayed in the cellularity table of the automatic report.

Automatic Report

Improvement performed in the automatic report.
The sections of the automatic report are adjusted according to the text included in them.

Improvement performed when exporting the report in xml format.
TR:20224, 20253, 20254, 20262
The XML export of the automatic report has been improved to include new fields, such comments, conclusions and the study Id.


Improvement performed in the alerts window.
The MedFI (Internal Reference) column has been added and the Range column is currently named MedFI (Database Reference).


Improvement performed in the MM-MRD database.
The text content of the MM-MRD profile has been reviewed.


Improvement performed when executing Infinicyt™.
The execution of Infinicyt™ is performed efficiently.

Report – Keyword

Improvement performed when opening the contextual menu of a keyword.
The AG&I version keyword is only displayed in the contextual menu of the keywords after performing an AG&I process.


Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
The copyright of Infinicyt™ 1.8 and 2.0 has been updated.

Improvement performed when opening files.
TR:17767, 18462
When opening .txt, .csv, .xls and .xlsx files, the default representation for all parameters is linear.

Automated Gating and Identification

Improvement performed in the PID database.
Century Gothic 9 is set as default font in the automatic report.

Improvement performed when loading a database profile.
When performing changes in the statistics tables of a report modifying also the visibility of the tubes and then performing an AG&I process, the corresponding database profile is loaded and the file is analyzed.

Improvement performed in the databases profiles.
When copying components from a profile to another one, the corresponding IDs are set with incremental values in the new profile.

Improvement performed when exporting the report in.xml format.
Currently, when exporting the report in .xml format, the corresponding populations are displayed with a circumflex. This circumflex appears when the frequency calculation is based on a single file.

Improvement performed in the AG&I window.
It is possible to select the SD’s configuration to be applied in an AG&I process when using a PIDOT database.

Improvement performed in the AG&I tool.
The Population Tree and the Automatic Report are available in Chinese.

Improvement performed when opening .cyt files in different versions of Infinicyt™.
The warning displayed when opening .cyt files in different Infinicyt™ versions has been homogenized.

Improvement performed when working with the alerts.
When introducing the age and the events/µl after performing an AG&I process, the corresponding alerts will be displayed. Currently, it is possible to undo this action.

Improvement performed after performing an AG&I process using the ALOT database.
TR:13829, 18415
The Compass diagram displayed in Analysis shows the same result than the corresponding Compass diagram copied or opened in the Report.

Improvement performed when working in offline mode.
Currently, when opening a .cyt file in offline mode, the message to choose whether to modify the analysis or not is only displayed once.

Improvement performed when undoing a change performed in the AG&I Configuration window.
When undoing a change performed in the AG&I Configuration window, the legend Undo Change AG&I Configuration is displayed in the Edit menu.

Improvement performed in the Population Tree after performing an AG&I process.
It is not possible to assign events to Functions population.

Improvement performed when displaying the ranges in the report.
The frequency reference ranges are displayed in the cellularity table of the automatic Report.


Improvement performed in the population Alerts window.
The events/µl ranges are displayed in the Altered parameter column.


Improvement performed when opening a .cyt file and then updating the alerts version.
Currently, the report sheets are replaced with the new components.

Improvement performed when adding components to the Automatic Report.
When adding components to the Automatic Report, the components are placed where the focus is.

Improvement performed when modifying the text format in the Automatic Report.
Currently, the modified text format is maintained when copying data and pasting it to a text box.


Improvement performed in the Report when adding a statistics keyword.
When adding a statistics keyword to the report with the checkbox All selected and then undoing and redoing this action, it is possible to open the Add keyword window again.

Databases-Clicks and Use Logs

Improvement performed in the panels of the databases.
When clicking on a database its corresponding panel is displayed. This panel cannot be resized.


Improvement performed in the contextual menu of the Compass diagram.
The contextual menu of the Compass diagram has been homogenized.

Improvement performed in the Compass comparatives diagrams.
The contour lines are displayed in the Compass comparatives diagrams when the corresponding checkbox is selected.

Compass-Edition Mode

Bug detected when opening a Compass database from Profile Configure.
An internal error occurred after selecting the Open Database Manager option of a database from Profile>Configure>Databases.

Improvement performed when working with the Database Manager.
The means and medians are displayed in the diagrams if the corresponding checks are selected.

Improvement performed when saving databases.
Currently, it is not possible to save a database without cases.


Improvement performed when selecting the option to show a message when current changes are not saved.
Currently, the corresponding message is only displayed when this option is selected.


Bug detected when exporting a statistics file to a network folder.
Currently, the statistics can be exported to any folder.

Improvement performed when exporting the statistics including reference images.
Data related to the statistics displayed in the Population Tree including reference images is exported.


Improvement performed when working with black background diagrams.
Events in gates performed in black background diagrams appear highlighted when its percentage is less than 1% (as defined in Profile Configure).

Improvement performed in the Events/µl and Frequency statistics tooltips.
The reference population configured is displayed in the Events/µl and Frequency statistics tooltips.

Bug detected in the events visualization.
Currently, the events are visualized no matter the scale used in the cytometer.

File Export

Improvement performed when exporting and overwriting files in .xslx format.
When exporting a .xlsx file, the message to overwrite it or not is displayed if needed.

Improvement performed when exporting and overwriting .xls files.
When exporting and overwriting .xls files, the data is updated and saved.

Improvement performed when exporting a .xls file to a network folder.
When exporting.xls files to a network folder, the data is saved.


Bug detected when opening a file without the SSC.
Currently, it is possible to open files without the SSC parameter.

Improvement performed in the Reference Manual and FAQ.
Currently, the meaning of Events with errors is explained in the Reference Manual and FAQ.


Bug detected when overwriting files.
An internal error occurred when overwriting files in use from the Save as Analyzed File option. Currently, a file error message appears.


Bug detected when resetting the analysis.
An internal error occurred when closing a diagram that was being loaded and then resetting the analysis.


Improvement performed in the Database Visualization tab of the Configure Data Visualization window.
The radio button By Tube has been replaced with By File.

EuroFlow™ databases

Improvement performed in the MM-MRD database.
The automatic report and populations can no longer be modified by the user. Also, a keyword indicating the version that generated the automatic report has been included.

Automated Gating and Identification

Improvement performed in the MM-MRD database.
Korean language has been added to the MM MRD database and automatic report.

Improvement in warnings when performing an Automated Gating and Identification in Korean.
The message Percentage of checks higher than expected is now displayed in Korean.

Improvement performed when cancelling the AG&I process.
The cancel window is now opened over the Analysis window.


Bug detected while opening a file linked to a deleted profile.
An internal error occurred while opening a file linked to a deleted profile.


Improvement performed when working in the Analysis module.
TR:14416, 17246
An asterisk is only displayed in the name of a profile when there is a relevant change.

Bug detected while exporting the Population Tree from one Infinicyt™ session to another.
An internal error occurred while dragging the Population Tree from one Infinicyt™ session to another.


Improvement performed in the MM-MRD (BM) profile.
Several IDs have been added to export .xml files.

Population Tree

Bug detected when reviewing Check Populations and selecting not to apply the changes.
An internal error occurred when selecting not to apply the changes.


Improvement performed when displaying the frequency.
A legend to indicate that a population is only present in a file has been added to specify that the frequency showed is related to that single file.

Improvement performed when exporting data from one file when having more files loaded.
The name of the corresponding file is now displayed when exporting its statistics in a .csv file.


Improvement performed in the display of the databases icon.
The databases color only changes when selecting a type of sample or loading another file.

Databases – Clicks and User logs

Improvement performed when using the databases.
The efficiency of the databases has been improved, when closing the databases window Infinicyt™ would not be able to use them.


Improvement performed in the review of the Automated Gating and Identification process.
The review process of the AG&I has been modified and the functionality has been improved.


Improvement performed when displaying the circumflex in the populations of the cellularity table.
The circumflex is always displayed when the specific population has events only in a file.

Improvement performed when selecting Spanish language, performing an AG&I process using a PIDOT database and then checking the report.
Currently, all the sentences displayed in the report are translated into Spanish.

Improvement performed in the paragraphs of the automatic report.
All paragraphs now display the same font and size.


Improvement performed in the functionality of the AG&I version keyword.
The AG&I version keyword is updated when changing the version of the databases and the alerts.

Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
A new keyword has been added to the .fcs file specifying the version of Infinicyt™.


Improvement performed when changing the reference ranges of the alerts and opening a .cyt file.
When changing the reference ranges of the alerts and opening a .cyt file, a warning is displayed to inform the user that the version of the alerts is different.


Improvement performed when working with Infinicyt™ and double-clicking on the icons.
When double-clicking on an icon only one window is now opened.

Analysis Strategies

Improvement performed when working with the MM-MRD profile.
The efficiency has been improved when applying analysis strategies using files of 20 million of events.


Improvement performed when loading files using drag and drop.
The diagrams are now updated according to the new files loaded.

Improvement performed in Profile Configure window.
Minimum size of events option has been added to make bigger the events displayed in the diagrams.

Bug detected when using many median calculations for DotPlots.
Currently, the analysis is faster when using many median calculations for DotPlots.

Improvement performed when selecting Group Population option.
When selecting Group Population and then drawing a gate over the medians, the events do not disappear.


Bug detected when saving an image.
An internal error occurred when saving an image and selecting not to overwrite the file.


Improvement performed when deleting the reference population of a profile.
If the user deletes the reference population of a profile, it is possible to continue configuring the profile.


Improvement performed when creating a maturation database with several tubes and one of them do not have populations.
It is possible to create and save those type of databases.

Improvement performed when drawing a maturation pathway and deleting all populations.
Currently, if the user draws a maturation pathway and then delete all populations, no exceptions occur.

Improvement performed when adding stages to a maturation pathway and then undoing the action.
The maturation diagram updates automatically when undoing the action.


Improvement performed in Compass navigation.
TR:17986, 18474
The message displayed to ensure that the selected populations were unequivocally identified is displayed when loading a Compass database.

Improvement performed when opening a Compass database.
The efficiency when opening a Compass database has been improved. The process is faster.


Improvement performed in literals.
Some of the population names and alias have been homogenized or modified. When working with the MM-MRD (BM) profile it is not possible to assign events to the “Function” population.

Automated Gating and Identification

Improvement when assigning a gate to a check population.
It is possible to assign some events of a check population to a suggested population without losing it.

Improvement when displaying windows and warnings.
When drawing a gate and assigning the events to a population, the pop-up windows related to the Population Tree (review and comments) will not be displayed.

Improvement performed when working with .cyt files.
TR:18147, 18228
When loading a .cyt file while working with a previous version of the databases, the new alerts are loaded.

Improvement when performing an AG&I process.
When working with a .cyt file generated with a previous version of Infinicyt™, the user can perform an AG&I using the current databases.

Improvement in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
Infinicyt™ automatically uses the required parameters to perform the AG&I.

Improvement of the interface display.
The position of the Patient Data icon has been modified.


Improvement in the Edit comments window.
TR:17831, 18040
A zoom has been added to improve the visibility of the comments content. This zoom is synchronized with the zoom of the preview field.


Improvement when deleting sheets of the report.
When deleting sheets, all the components included in those sheets are also deleted.

Bug detected when working with comments in the Report.
An internal error occurred when replacing a comment with another one and undoing the action.


Improvement when working with a Compass diagram in the report.
The Compass diagram obtained using a EuroFlow ALOT database can be copied and pasted to the report.


Improvement when drawing gates.
When working with Group Populations option it is possible to select the populations by medians or area.

Previous Groups

Improvement in the correspondences of the parameters.
The correspondences of all parameters are applied.


Improvement when having several dongles connected.
It is possible to run Infinicyt™ having several dongles connected.

Reference Image

Improvement performed in the check parameters window when a reference image is loaded.
The TIME parameter is not taken into account in the check parameters window.

Improvement performed in the check parameters window when a reference image is loaded.
When selecting “None” the reference image is loaded correctly. It is not necessary to check the correspondences of all parameters.


Improvement performed when working with Infinicyt™ after changing values in the compensation matrix.
The efficiency when drawing gates after changing values in the compensation matrix has been improved.

Profile Manager

Improvement performed when displaying the Page Number keyword.
The Page Number keyword displayed in the header and the footer is better visualized.

Improvement performed in the profile manager.
The header and the footer can be dragged and dropped from a profile to another one.


Improvement performed when applying an AG&I process after modifying the compensation.
The modified compensation is maintained when applying an AG&I process.


Bug detected when merging a .cyt file with a maturation and .fcs files.
An internal error occurred when the .cyt file contained a maturation.

Automated Gating and Identification

Improvement performed in the automatic report.
TR:15865, 17826
The automatic report is available in eleven different languages when working with the MM-MRD (BM) EuroFlow™ database. (English, Spanish, Czech, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian, Japanese and Polish).

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
A new warning is displayed if the normal plasma cells population has altered Cylg K/L ratio.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
The Analysis strategy is displayed in the Analysis Info window.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
The Mature B cells CyIg K/L ratio formula has been modified.

Improvement performed in the Change Control option of the automatic report.
TR:16393, 16600, 16707, 18118
The changes performed in the report are saved to control the modifications. All the changes performed since the AG&I was executed are now displayed.

Improvement performed in the Change Control option.
The Change Control panel is updated every time a change (adding, deleting or modifying a component) is performed in the report.

Improvement performed in the Clustering algorithm.
The clustering algorithm has been modified and it is applied to all AG&I EuroFlow databases except when using a MM-MRD or PIDOT databases.

Improvement performed in the alerts displayed in the report.
If a population has no events, the alerts of that population are not displayed in the Population Tree of Analysis. If a population has no events but its daughter populations have, the alerts will be displayed in the Population Tree of Analysis.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
After performing an AG&I process it is possible to change the data of the patients.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
If the user is working with the MM-MRD (BM) database, it is not possible to assign events to the Abnormal parent population.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
When several messages are displayed at the same time while performing an AG&I process, they are displayed in one window named “Messages”.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
When performing a second AG&I process working with the same profile and version of the database used in the first AG&I process, no extra accesses are spent.

Improvement performed in the Settings menu of the automatic report.
After performing an Automated Gating and Identification process, the following menu is displayed with two options: “Set as Default Report” and “Reset Report”.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
New populations added to the Population Tree will not be placed in the absent populations.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
The messages configured in the database MM-MRD (BM) must be displayed after performing an AG&I and modifying the analysis when required.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process of the demo version.
An info message with the requirements about getting accurate results analyzing files using EuroFlow™ databases is displayed when loading a database from the “Databases” button of the main window and when loading a EuroFlow database in a Compass Classification process.

Improvement performed when removing events from the clusters.
The clusters are deleted when they do not have events.

Improvement performed in the Automated Gating and Identification process.
The process to undo the loading of the alerts has been improved when performing an AG&I process.

Improvement performed when opening .cyt files with previous versions of the databases.
When opening .cyt files with previous versions of the databases, the check parameters window is open if necessary.


Improvement performed in the comments displayed in the Alerts window.
TR:16157, 16500
New comments added to be displayed in the Alerts window: -, lo, +, ++, hi, int, het, -/+ het.

Improvement performed when opening .cyt files generated after performing an Automated Gating and Identification.
When opening .cyt files and modifying the analysis, an extra access will be spent if the version of the database is different than the one used in the .cyt file.

Improvement performed in the alerts.
All data related to alerts (asterisks and bold format), statistics of the cellularity table, comments, conclusions, etc. are represented according to all tubes (especially for MM-MRD) no matter their visibility in Analysis.

Improvement performed in the Alerts configuration.
If the alerts are not selected in an age segment, those alerts must be considered as “NA”.

Improvement performed in the alerts.
The LOD and LLOQ limits are not taken into account to decide whether the frequency is within the range or not.

Improvement performed in the alerts.
The acquisition control has been added. This statistic is used to control if the population has been correctly acquired overtime.

Improvement performed in the alerts.
The alerts depending on the statistics that cannot be calculated (NA) will not be evaluated. E.g.: Frequency or Absolute Counts when the reference population has not been configured. (It applies to all databases).

Improvement performed when evaluating the alerts.
When calculating the range of the alerts all the populations’ values are taken into account.

Report - Components

Improvement performed when configuring the statistics table in the report.
The new option “Use Population Tree Color” has been added to configure the statistics table.

Improvement performed in the Report.
It is possible to export tables with merged cells.

Improvement performed in the tables of the report.
When selecting several cells at the same time, then it is possible to deselect them individually by clicking [Ctrl] key and selecting the desired cell.


Improvement in the maturation diagram.
The links between the maturation lines and the parameters are aligned to the middle of the parameter’s label.

Improvement performed in the efficiency of the maturation tool.
The performance when drawing a maturation pathway is faster.

Improvement performed in the maturation pathway.
The maturation pathway has been improved and it is drawn longer from the nock to the arrowhead to get accurate results.

Bug detected in maturation.
An internal error occurred when drawing a maturation pathway.

Report - Automatic

Improvement performed in the automatic report.
TR:15589, 16342
Review and Change Control new options have been created to obtain the history of the changes performed by the users after issued the automatic report (after the AG&I process).

Improvement performed in the watermark displayed in the automatic report.
The watermark “Report modified by” is displayed according to the language selected in the database profile.

Improvement performed in the automatic report.
No tooltips displayed when hovering over the “Immunophenotype of abnormal plasma cells”, “Comment” and “Conclusion” sections of the automatic report.

Improvement performed in the watermark of the report.
It is possible to change the format of the watermark’s date and the format of the date displayed in Analyzed, Approved and Issued by.

Improvement performed in the sheets of the automatic report.
The orientation of the report sheets is saved.

Improvement performed in the Change Control option.
The component added, deleted or modified in the report is specified in the Change Control panel.

Improvement performed in the automatic report.
The format of the Report’s body is editable. When selecting all the components of a text box or the body and modifying the format, those changes will be applied in all of them.

Improvement performed in the Parentheses of the formulas.
When deleting all the components inside parentheses, the parentheses are also deleted automatically. This functionality is applied on functions, statistics configured by the users and virtual parameters.

Improvement performed in the automatic report.
When deleting a report’s sheet, redoing the action and then closing the automatic report, it is possible to open it again.


Improvement performed in the “Databases” window.
It is possible to open files using drag and drop onto the Databases window.

Improvement performed in the Databases.
TR:17483, 17664
The Cord Blood option has been added to the Years and Months drop-down menus.

Databases – Clicks and usage logs

Improvement performed in the Databases module.
The option “Unload database” has been removed. The databases unload automatically when changing the file, the profile or when loading a different database.

Improvement performed in the EuroFlow databases tab.
A new name has been given to the EuroFlow tab: EuroFlow L&L (Leukemia and Lymphoma).

Improvement performed when using the ALOT database.
The databases of the 2.0 001 version have been installed.

Improvement performed in the databases’ icons.
The databases that are not available for the type of sample selected are displayed in red color.

Improvement performed in markers.
The name of the marker CD16+CD56 is displayed correctly.


Improvement performed in the Compass tool.
When reloading a Compass database the message “Make sure that the selected populations were unequivocally identified” is not displayed again.

Improvement performed in the Compass tool.
When loading a Compass database, the Compass diagram and Compass comparative diagrams are saved in .cyt files.

Improvement performed in the Compass tool.
If the user opens a .cyt file with a saved Compass and/or comparatives and has access to the databases, the Compass diagram will be connected automatically with the database.

Improvement performed in Compass.
When opening a .cyt file in a computer where a newer version of the database connector is installed a warning is displayed to whether or not update the result.

Report - Table

Improvement performed in the report’s tables.
TR:13993, 16730
New options Merge cells and Unmerge Cells have been added to the contextual menu of the tables in the Report.

Improvement performed in the tables of the report.
It is possible to create tables up to 99 rows and 99 columns.


Improvement performed in the keywords of the Report.
The functionality of the keywords in the report has been homogenized when a file does not have the keyword or it was deleted.

Improvement performed when saving a profile containing a Reference Image in the Report.
The check “Show reference image in this diagram” from the “Diagram” configuration window is maintained when saving a profile.

General - Files

Improvement performed when .cyt files have been modified.
When opening .cyt files that have been modified, a warning is displayed.

Improvement performed while opening fcs 3.1 files.
The software can now read Data File Standard for Flow Cytometry - Version FCS 3.1.

Improvement performed when saving a .cyt file.
Infinicyt™ takes less time when saving a .cyt file .


Improvement performed in the functionality of the Statistics.
NA and 0 values can be displayed in the statistics columns depending on the type of statistics.

Improvement performed when creating functions.
When creating complex statistics, even if a population has not been assigned, the software calculates the statistics.

Improvement performed when exporting the statistics.
When exporting the statistics of merged files, the header of the table displays “All Files”. When exporting the statistics of a file, the header of the table displays the name of the file.

Report - Keyword

Improvement performed in the “Add Keyword > Comments” window.
The “Add” button is enabled when selecting a category or a comment to be added to the Report. The trash button is only enabled when selecting a category or a comment created by the user.

Improvement performed in the “Add Keyword” window.
When resizing or changing the position of the “Add Keyword” window, these changes are saved next time the window is open again even if the user clicked on the “Cancel” button.

Improvement performed in the “Preview” field of the report.
It is possible to change the font’s size, create, edit comments from the Add Keyword > Comments window. It is also possible to apply a zoom in the “Preview” field.


Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
“User Control Access” option has been added to Infinicyt™.

Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
The date of the copyright has been updated.


Improvement performed in the statistics.
The following statistics have been added: Minimum Value, Maximum Value, MAD, rSD and rCV%. It is also possible to configure new percentiles.


Improvement performed in Batch.
TR:635, 13234
The configuration of the output Configuration tab in Batch has been modified.

Improvement performed in Batch.
An info message is displayed to inform the user that .cyt files will be analyzed as .fcs files in Batch Analysis. The same info message is also displayed if the user changes the profile.

Diagrams - General

Improvement performed in the diagrams.
“Group Population” new option allows the user to assign clusters and populations to another population maintaining the classification of the clusters.

Manual Analysis

Improvement performed when rounding decimals.
Infinicyt™ uses the half up rounding.

Population Tree

Improvement performed in the efficiency of the Population Tree.
When working with files containing a great number of events, Infinicyt™ deletes populations without events from the Population Tree faster.

Diagrams – Events selection

Improvement performed in 3D diagrams.
It is possible to draw gates in 3D diagrams.

Improvement performed in 3D diagrams.
It is possible to group populations in 3D diagrams.

Report - Sheets

Improvement performed in the report’s zoom.
The default zoom of the report is set to 120%


Improvement performed in the demo version.
Automated Gating and Classification, Clustering and Databases are currently available in demo versions.

Improvement performed in the demo version.
The “ReadMe” document is included in demo versions.

Improvement performed when working with Infinicyt™.
The Infinicyt™ users can work with Infinicyt™ using a "Sentinel software dongles" system.

Licenses / Dongles

Improvement performed when opening Infinicyt™.
When working with a network license, a new warning is displayed to inform the user that the limit of licensed computers to use Infinicyt™ at the same time is reached.

Databases creation

Improvement performed in the database manager.
It is possible to represent medians and means in the diagrams from the database manager.


Improvement performed in the banner of the customers’ survey.
The “x” icon to close the banner is better visualized.


Improvement performed in positivity.
TR:16860, 17260
It is possible to select “Reference Image” option from the “Export Positivity” window.

Improvement performed in the Positivity module.
The module is available in commercial versions.

Improvement performed in the Positivity module.
The module is available in demo versions.

Improvement performed when editing a positivity table.
The parameters’ combination is maintained when editing a table.

Improvement performed in the configuration of the positivity.
The last configuration exported is maintained in the “Export Positivity” window.

Improvement performed in the Positivity module.
The organization of the “Export Positivity” window has been modified.

Improvement performed in the Positivity module.
It is possible to obtain the percentage of positive events.

Improvement performed in the Positivity module.
It is possible to select automatically a negative reference population in order to use the range for selecting the population under study.

Report - Diagrams

Bug detected in a diagram.
An internal error occurred when changing a parameter in a diagram.

Diagrams – Window options

Bug detected when exporting a diagram.
An internal error occurred when exporting a diagram as an image overwriting a pre-existing file.

Automatic Gating and Identification

Improvement performed in the automatic report.
The two options from the “Settings” menu have been modified. “Save Changes to the Automatic Report” has been replaced with “Set as Default Report”, the changes are saved and applied automatically and will be displayed in the next Automated Gating and Identification process. The “Use Default Report” option has been replaced with “Reset Report”, the functionality has not been changed.

Automatic Gating and Identification

Improvement in the report of the PIDOT database.
When working with a PIDOT database, the second sheet of the report has been removed.


Improvement performed in Infinicyt™.
The copyright of Infinicyt™ 1.8 and 2.0 has been updated.


The Copyright of Infinicyt™ has been updated.
The Copyright of Infinicyt™ displayed in the “About Infinicyt” window has been updated to year 2018.

General - Files

Improvement performed in file compatibility.
The software can now read Data File Standard for Flow Cytometry - Version FCS 3.1.


Improvement when saving a profile containing a Reference Image in the Report.
The check “Show reference image in this diagram” from the “Diagram” configuration window is now kept when saving a profile.


Bug detected when drawing a maturation pathway.
An internal error sometimes occurred in diagrams with special visibility (medians, means, etc.) after deleting a population and then drawing a maturation pathway.


Improvement in the Reference Manual.
The English Reference Manual has been updated.


Improvement when loading a different profile.
When loading a profile, the analysis window and the diagrams are created with the same size and position they had when the profile was saved.

Automatic Gating and Identification

Improvement in the languages window of the AG & I process.
Italian has been added in the languages list of the Automatic Gating and Identification process.

Compass Classification

Improvement when loading the ALOT classification database.
The Compass help window now appears when loading the EuroFlow ™ ALOT database, in a similar fashion as when loading a user database.


Improvement when working with the absolute counts and frequency statistics.
The statistics absolute counts and frequency are always available regardless on whether the user has selected a reference population.


Improvement to the zoom of the report.
Report sheets do not change their position when closing and reopening the report.

File Management

Infinicyt can read files from Sony cytometers.
Now it is possible to open files generated with Sony Spectral Analyzer.


Different installers created for Infinicyt™ and the EuroFlow™ database connector.

File management:

It is possible to recover the last files analyzed if Infinicyt crashes.

It is possible to open and export XLX and XLSX files in all the modules that support FCS files.

It is possible to export XLX and XLSX files choosing to group and or invert the name of the parameters and fluorochromes (PnS and PnN).

Cube 6 files can be exported.


When an internal error occurs, the error files are automatically sent. The user must be connected to Internet.

Improvement to the text content of Infinicyt.

Changes to Infinicyt main window.

File Editor, File Export and Calculate Data are now accessible from the Analysis module.

General improvements in the usability of the windows (e.g. scroll and minimize/maximize buttons inclusion and pop-up windows position).

File export

The common parameters are indicated with a blue “C” when exporting merged files.

Previous groups

Improved algorithm to better detect the FSC and SSC parameters. No matter their order in the file. These parameters are never suggested as a first option to group them with fluorochromes.

The “Check Parameters” window appears whenever the previous groups are used.

Common parameters are not displayed in the correspondences window to make it easier to group parameters.

Population tree

The populations are now created with a default name and a default color to avoid unnecessary messages.

An alerts column has been added to the Analysis module. Alerts are based in pre-established ranges of the database. The user can check and configure their visibility in a pop-up window.

A new statistic column named Frequency has been created. This statistic allows the user knowing the percentage of a population in comparison with any other of the profile.

Now the visibility % of gates is calculated according to the visible events.

Different alignment of the statistics column depending on whether the values have decimals (right) or not (left).

It is possible to create functions using Absolute Counts and the Frequency statistics if they are configured.

A Check populations node has been created appears in the population tree if files are analyzed using AG&I to improve the classification.

Check populations have a specific color different from their normal counterparts to improve their identification.

Special review mode for checks populations in files analyzed using AG&I. It automatically makes visible the selected check population and the recommended assignments.

An Absent Populations node has been created in the analyzed files after using AG&I.

A Clusters node has been created in analyzed files after using AG&I and clustering.

The Configure option has been included in the contextual menu of the header cells of the statistics columns in the Population Tree.

Statistics and data tables

The statistics configuration windows maintain the last configuration used and this is saved in the profile.

An automatic decimal rounding option is included. The rounding is performed to the last most significant value.

Statistics can be exported in html format from the export statistics window.

Data from any table of Infinicyt can be copied by right-clicking and selecting Copy Data option.

Press Ctrl+C to copy data from any table of Infinicyt™ to an Excel.

The statistics can be exported in the desired order by drag and drop them in the Export Statistics window.


Changes to the compensation matrix to display both the fluorochromes and the markers and the equivalence of the compensations among different merged files.

Offline compensation

The review mode has been included in the negative and positive population to change the identification faster.

General diagrams

When using the same profile with a panel the similar parameters are identified in different files, even when they are displayed in a different order or with a name a little bit different (e.g. CD38 y CD 38), to maintain the same composition of the diagrams.

Events can be highlighted in 3D diagrams.

Resolution and definition diagram options can be configured while exporting them as an image from Analysis and the report.

The resolution and definition of the diagram can be configured while exporting it as an image from Analysis and the Report.

The order of the files can be inverted in the histograms and Dot Plot Parameter Band (including reference images) using the invert files configure option.

The boxes of Box Plot diagrams can be represented independently of the number of events of the file.

The organization of the boxes of the boxplot has changed: first, they are organized by file and then by population.

The calculation of the whiskers has changed: now, they are calculated using the maximum and minimum values.

Parameter Band and Population Band diagrams are created in 2:1 scale

The label of the boxplots has been modified. The boxes now indicate the name of the populations.

Changes to how the Dot Plot diagrams are created in the Default profile and profiles without diagrams: First [SSC vs. common parameters] and then the diagrams are created following the order of the parameters in the file merge matrix, at last an APS diagram is created.


Algorithm included to automatically cluster any visible population.


Access the Databases from the Main window and Analysis module.

The databases window includes EuroFlow™ (subcategories Screening-Orientation, Classification Panels, Monitoring), EuroFlow™ PID and My Databases (users’ databases).

EuroFlow™ databases contain panels with the information of populations and parameters that are going to be used.

It is possible to select databases according to the type of sample used and the age range.

The availability and the compatibility of the databases are indicated in blue color (available), gray (not available), red (not compatible), yellow (correspondences are needed) and green (compatible).

Changes to the interface of the users databases window which are now represented in boxes ordered by type (Compass then Maturation) and then alphabetically.

It is possible to select multiple users’ databases to delete, copy and export.

Databases accesses

The Euroflow™ databases it is necessary to have accesses that can be bought by packs.

The accesses to the databases can be used with Standalone or network licenses.

The information of the accesses used are saved and they are automatically sent weekly to [email protected].

The use of the database is indicated in a battery icon. >100 accesses: green full battery; 50-100 accesses: green battery; 25-50 accesses: yellow battery; <25 accesses red battery.

The user knows the accesses left (50, 20 o 10) and can buy them by clicking on the “Buy More” button. The user will be redirected to the web page to buy them. Important: When working with merged files an access is spent for every tube except for MM MRD where two tubes are required.

Automatic report

A different age-dependent normal range is available for the PIDOT database.

The MM MRD and PIDOT reports can be displayed in different languages with pre-established comments, alerts and conclusions.

An alert system has been included based in the phenotype (e.g. CD45, etc.), events percentage of each population (e.g. Events, Events/µ, Frequency, %Total), LOD and LLOQ.

Automatic comments are included in the report based on the alerts obtained

It is possible to configure the alerts to be displayed in bold in the report in the configure window of the column alerts.

The altered parameters are indicated using a color code (red>above the normal ranges, and blue> below the normal ranges).

Users can configure the headed and footer of the automatic report.

It is possible to add new sheets to the automated report. Changes to the new sheets are maintained the next time the user run the AG&I process.


A new parameter band diagram has been included.

The configure options of the maturation databases are now accessible from Current Settings > Diagrams.

It is possible to represent the normalized maturation in logical, logarithmic and linear scales.

Parameters are arranged according to their intensity of expression (median) in the maturation diagram.

Change to the algorithm applied to the Maturation databases. Important: When loading databases created with previous versions they are going to be recalculated using the new algorithm and the result may not be exactly the same.


The labels in the comparative diagrams have the same color as the groups to improve their identification.

Visual indications are included if the median of a case is not inside of any comparative curve (red border in the median).

It is possible to configure the format of the Compass Databases groups in the profile.

Reference image

When a reference image is loaded the population and the name of the image is displayed.

The statistic of the reference image is calculated according to the visible files.

The number of events are saved in the reference image.


Change to the tile algorithm: tile screen and tile all screens.

When loading a system profile a tile is automatically performed.

The tile action can be undone.


The folder of the EuroFlow tubes’ profiles was included.

The profiles are ordered alphabetically.

MM MRD, PCST, LST, ALOT, SST profiles have been updated.

PIDOT, BCP-ALL MRD new profiles have been included.


Default Spanish and English comments have been added.

Tables can be copied from Excel to Infinicyt maintaining the format when possible.

Report tables can be copied from the report to Excel.

All data from File Data can be ordered alphabetically in the Keyword configuration for a better selection.

Improvements performed in the text and table options.

Improvement in the management of the table cells.

Changes to the management of users’ comments in the report and the way they are added, created, and edited.

It is possible to add comments within a comment without losing its functionality.

Improvement when performing changes in the Population Tree.

More formats available to add page numbers.

The default font is Century Gothic 9.

New text or table components are created using the last font and format configured.

The selection of the fonts has been improved and the keyboard can be used for the desired search.

More option for the borders of tables included (top, right, left, bottom).

The default margins of the reports are modified, now the size is 10 mm.

The date of the report updates automatically to the present day or users can stablish a specific date which is not updated.

It is possible to display the populations and parameters in the Statistics table with a different name than the one used in the Population Tree using an alias that can be configured in the Profile Configure.

An option to hide the populations without events (independently of the report statistic table configuration) has been added.

It is possible to create all components except text components in the header, footer and text boxes of the report.

Changes to the contextual menu options of the header and footer of the report.

It is possible to modify he header of the Statistics table and they are still editable.

It is possible to drag and drop components in the header, the footer and textboxes.

The columns of the statistics tables can be arranged in the desired order by drag and drop the statistics options in the configuration window.

It is possible to align components if they are inside a text component.

Guided modules

From this option, it is possible to access Batch Analysis, Calculate Data and Offline Compensation

Batch analysis

It is possible to export the statistics of several .cyt files at the same time in Batch Analysis along with the individual analysis of each file if they have the same profile and parameters.

Improvement in the usability of the export statistics window in Batch.

Analysis strategy

The functionality of the non-reviewable analysis strategies has been homogenized.

Functionality removed

Infinicyt™ version 2.0 cannot be installed in 32 bits systems.

It is not longer possible to export files with several datasets (LMD files). Files are exported in a single FCS file.

It is not possible to display outlier values in the boxplot diagrams

It is not possible to display outlier values in the zoom configuration window.

Clonalpath, Clonalpath Plus, Cycloscope, Leucofinder, Lymphoclonal, Lymphogram and PNH Cytognos profiles are deleted.

Although it is modifiable, the representation of parameters is never displayed in Maturation diagrams.

It is not possible to export data to .csv files. The Export Data option was replaced with “Copy Data”.


Sentinel driver updated.
The Sentinel Driver required to work with Infinicyt has been updated.


Improvement in the message displayed when an option is not available in demo versions.
The text content has been modified for a better understanding.

Compass-Create Database

Improvement in the message when a Database is created using files with ungrouped non-common parameters.
The text content has been modified for a better understanding.


The copyright has been updated.
The copyright has been updated to 2017.


Improvement in the front page of the Reference Manual.
Minor changes have been performed in the front page of the Reference Manual.


Module Profiles
Bug detected when displaying the diagrams saved in the Profile. Now the diagrams from Manual Analysis and Calculate Data desktops are saved separately in the profile. If the user opens a profile (with several desktops of the same type saved) generated with 1.7 or previous versions, Infinicyt is capable of recovering the correct desktop to work with it.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected in Manual Analysis while screen sharing.
The File Merge drop-down menu was not displayed while screen sharing.


Bug detected when opening files if Infinicyt had a certain type of installation driver.
The security mechanism driver has been updated to 7.5. This solves issues related to the delay on 3D diagrams representation or blockages when opening files.


Improvement in the labels of parameters in maturation diagrams.
The labels of each parameter appear now aligned with its corresponding maturation line.


Bug detected when working with 3D diagrams if Infinicyt had a certain type of installation driver.
A new driver is now available in Infinicyt installers.

Population Tree

Bug detected when adding or editing comments in the Population Tree.
The comment is now displayed aligned with its corresponding population when using the scroll bar to move up and down in the add/edit comments window of the Population Tree.


Bug detected when displaying the value of the functions in the xml generated from the report.
The values of the functions displayed in the xml generated from the report are now displayed correctly and can be read by LIS software.

Report – Components

Bug detected when displaying the values of the functions in the statistics of the report if working with several files.
TR:10787, 13093
Now when displaying the statistics by tube in a report, the statistics of each single file are showed separately and the value of the function is the value related to the tube displayed in Manual Analysis.

Bug detected when displaying the function keywords in the report, they were displayed bordered in yellow color even if they were correct.
Now, only the function keywords that are not correct are displayed bordered in yellow color.

Bug detected when configuring the statistics. The configuration was not maintained after configuring and adding a statistics keyword in the report.
Now, when double clicking on the statistics keyword of the report, the initial configuration is displayed.

Bug detected when displaying the order of the functions in the statistics component of the report and when exporting the statistics.
Now the order of the functions is the same in the Population Tree of Manual Analysis, Export statistics and statistics component.

Improvement in the xml generated from the report.
The xml generated for the tables from the report has been modified and now it is similar to the xml generated in version 1.7. LIS software can read it correctly.

Report - Components

Bug detected when exporting the report in xml format, sometimes the functions not displayed in the statistics component were exported.
Only the functions displayed in the statistics component are now exported.

Report – Components, Statistics, Report

Improvement when performing changes in Profile>Configure>Statistics.
TR:12750, 9863, 11767
The statistics calculations, data and visibility of the tubes are now displayed correctly in the statistics table of the report when performing changes from Profile
Important: To solve this problem, the code has been modified and it is applied over all .inp and .cyt files generated with version 1.8.0.b. Therefore, files generated with 1.8.0.c will not be read by 1.8.0.b.

Report – Diagrams

Bug detected when displaying the configure diagram window in the report. The size of the configure diagram window was bigger than the screen and the buttons could not be used.
The size of the configure diagram window has been modified and now it is possible to use all the buttons.

Bug detected when displaying the hierarchy of the populations.
The hierarchy of the populations indicated in the local visibility configuration of a diagram is now displayed correctly in the report.


Improvement when displaying the Tools bar.
The Tools bar is now displayed correctly and does not overlap the diagrams when performing a Tile.

General – Files

Improvement to open more types of files.
Now Infinicyt™ can open merged files with Cytobank.

Improvement when grouping the data of the parameters from files with two datasets.
Now the correspondences are applied rightly and the parameters are grouped correctly.


Improvement in the configuration window of the functions.
The configuration window of the functions has been modified to get a better comprehension of the options. “Parenthesis” is now displayed instead of “Function”.


Improvement when saving the profile.
Now it is also possible to save the statistics configuration (population files or selected files) in the profile.

File Export

Improvement when exporting files.
Now it is possible to export Cube 6 files.

Bug detected when deselecting parameters from the “File Export” window and then exporting the file.
The files are now exported correctly regardless of the parameters selected.

Automatic Compensation

Incorrect text in one of the steps in the Automatic Compensation window.
The text has been corrected.


Improvement performed in the calculation of the statistics in the visibility % column.
This column indicates correctly the relative percentage of the populations visualized at that moment in the analysis, the 100% value is the total number of events shown on the screen.


Bug detected when configuring the “Type of Visibility” option in the diagrams of the report.
The configuration selected by the user is now applied correctly in the diagrams and the order of the populations selected is maintained.

Diagrams - Window Options

Bug detected when redrawing a gate in a DotPlot diagram.
It is now possible to redraw a gate in a DotPlot diagram, this functionality has been maintained from previous versions.

Analysis Strategies

Bug detected when applying an analysis strategy saved in a supervised APS.
It is now possible to apply an analysis strategy saved in a supervised APS.


Bug detected while opening the report.
The report has been improved and it opens correctly with the different types of files supported.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while opening Infinicyt.
A warning window appeared suggesting the user to restore the default configurations every time Infinicyt was opened if the last file used was a .cyt file making it impossible to recover the last configuration used. The software now always restores the last configurations automatically.


Improvement performed in the statistics component
The statistics component is editable after being created and the last configuration performed is maintained after editing this component and when creating a new statistics component. The statistics component is automatically updated when changing the population tree in manual analysis regarding to the color and name of any population, formula, reference image or maturation stages. Any other changes to the population tree such as order, adding, deleting, loading, unloading populations, formulas, reference images, maturation stages needs to be approved by the user in the report by clicking in the configure window of each statistics table. Any change of the data that makes a value invalid will appear with a yellow border or “Not available” displayed. Population Tree components created in reports of version 1.7 will be updated to the statistics component of version 1.8 after editing it using the configuration window.

Improvement in the creation of new tables.
It is now possible to create a new table component by copying it from a spreadsheet to the report. The original format is maintained.

Improvement in the text component format configuration.
The text format (size, color) of the text component is kept when creating a new component.

Automatic Compensation

Improvement in the files supported and not supported in this module
LMD files can now be used in this module but merged files, files without FSC and SSC and files with compensation included in the data (e.g. dataset 1 from LMD files) are no longer supported.

Improvement in the functionality of the automatic compensation fluorochrome buttons.
The compensation control buttons are only enabled when the user draws the first gate in the reference population (with or without unstained control).


Improvement in the visualization of events in 3D diagrams.
Events can be highlighted in 3D diagrams until a maximum value depending on the computer characteristics.

Improvement in the display of the file number parameter in merged files.
The order of merged files can be inverted in the diagrams displaying the File Number parameter.

Improvement in the representation of BoxPlot diagrams.
The whiskers now represent the minimum and maximum values of the population and therefore no outliers are represented.

Bug detected while displaying the same profile diagrams in different computers.
CYT or INP files opened in different computers would show the diagrams in a different order. These files from version 1.8.a should be saved in this version to display them correctly in any resolution.

File Management

Improvement when matching the parameters between datasets in LMD files.
The parameters’ names of different datasets are matched automatically (FSC-H= FSC-Peak, FSC-A= FSC-Int, FSC-W= FSC-Tof, SSC-H=SSC-Peak, SSC-A= SSC-Int, SSC-W= SSC-Tof).

Bug detected while anonymizing LMD files.
Saving a file after anonymization would not include both datasets of the LMD files.


Improvement in the visualization the manual analysis desktop from files generated in version 1.7.
In previous versions, the software created inactive desktops that could have less diagrams and these would be displayed when opening it in version 1.8. Now, the software detects last desktop used to display it.


Improvement in the windows of different modules.
The profile bar has been deleted from File Merge, File Editor, File Export and some steps of the Calculate Data and Batch Analysis.


Improvement when using the Compass tool for the first time.
A Help window has been added to guide the user through the new functionality.


Improvement in the display of the customer satisfaction survey.
The customer satisfaction survey can now be seen at low resolutions.


Improvement in the software text content.
Text content of the Default profile has been reviewed and modified.


Bug when running the Setup32 in XP.
The setup32 can now run in all operating systems supported by Infinicyt.

File Merge-Previous Group

Bug detected while merging files with two datasets.
Compensation can now be displayed for files with two datasets.


Improvement in the header and footer performance.
Faster resizing of the header and footer.

Improvement of the exported XML files.
Each line of the table component is now listed in the reports exported into XML format.

Bug detected while saving the report as XML including the PDF.
The report can now be saved as XML including the PDF.

Improvement in the XML reports for images.
The images inside text components can now be exported into XML format.

Improvement in report components from version 1.7.
The XML ID of the component Data from version 1.7 can now be seen in the new component Table from version 1.8.


Improvement in the XML reports for header and footer.
Components included in the header and footer can now be exported into XML format.


Improvement in the Reference Manual.
The Spanish Reference Manual has been included.


New customer´s survey.
A customer satisfaction survey has been added to demo and commercial Infinicyt™ versions 1.8.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while opening files.
Performance has been improved when opening files.


Header and footer included

Report can be opened at the same time as Manual Analysis

Different orientations can be used for different pages of the report

Page zoom included in report sheets

New components added: keywords, table with borders

Appearance changes including a components bar

Quick access from manual analysis window

New text tools available: subscript or superscript, alignment

Statistics of the reference images can be included in the report tables

Report sheets can be displayed with and without printing margins

File Merge

Possibility of addition or removal of files during analysis

Functional changes in Previous Groups dictionary

Better identification of merged files in the File Merge matrix (header added)

Previous Group section always visible in the File Merge window

Previous groups automatically synchronized

Previous Groups can be constructed by drag and drop

Groups of files can be selected for common analysis instead of all or only a single file


Users can compensate files previously modified by Infinicyt

Users can compensate analyzed data but the review is not available

Invert Data option has been removed

Consult and modify the compensation of multiple files at the same time

Possibility of applying the same compensation to different files in a panel

Matrix appearance changes

Data can be saved with the compensation already applied or separated

Offline compensation can be performed using compensation controls

Compensation now has a correspondence window to solve label inconsistencies

Compensations are now done using only the fluorochrome and not the marker

Compensation can be performed after removing a parameter


Updated Default profile

New PCST and MM-MRD profiles

User is no longer prompted to save profile changes by default

Users are always informed of profile changes with a star next to the profile name

Reference Image

Reference image is automatically unloaded when the parameters are not compatible

The reference image display has been modified in the histograms to better distinguish it from file events

Reference Image statistics can be used for functions and statistics

Reference Image statistics can be included in report tables


New thousands separator included

New advanced tab included for a better selection of the statistics of interest

Statistics display simplified in the File List menu of Manual Analysis when working with merged files

Statistics .csv export format modified


Create or automatically close all possible combinations of parameters in Dot Plots or APS views

Events can be automatically selected using their density curves or SD

Events can be automatically selected from the reference image representation

Gates are maintained with the visibility of the file where they were originally selected

Gates are deleted when compensation is modified

Maturation and Compass diagrams can be created from the Diagram menu after loading a Database


Incremental representation removed

New Parameter Band maturation diagram included

APS rotation algorithm improved

APS rotates automatically according to the density to indicate where to start drawing the maturation

Maturation Path can be displayed in 3D APS diagrams

Maturation paths of the separate cases of a database can be seen when comparing a new case

Appearance changes in the Maturation diagram

Draw maturation option simplified

Path Info diagram modified to allow gating over it

Compass Tool

Appearance changes in the Compass diagram

Compass databases can be applied to more than one population at once

Data is no longer calculated automatically when using Compass

File Management

Users can consult the version and date of files saved by Infinicyt

Infinicyt does not overwrite files marked as read-only by Windows

Infinicyt no longer reopens the last file used when clicking on the Manual Analysis button

A Recent files option was included for opening single or merged files

Opening files through drag and drop has been improved

“Apply to all” option included to apply the same action when saving multiple files

Cytometer compatibility

Infinicyt can read files from Partec cytometers

Infinicyt reads SALS and LALS parameters from Apogee cytometers as SSC and FSC

FCS files exported from Infinicyt can be re-opened using Diva

The two datasets from Coulter files can be merged

Operating system compatibility

Infinicyt can be installed on Windows 10

Data processing

Increased speed in opening files from servers

License Flexibility

Software licenses available


Language preferences (English and Spanish) can be changed directly from the software

Population Tree

Re-structured contextual menu

Functions can be moved by drag and drop from one population to another

Events with errors are now displayed in the Events population

Analysis Strategy

Analysis Info now contains the information of the files used

Information of when analysis strategies cannot be reviewed by lack of parameters or files

Analysis strategy is automatically unloaded when the parameters are not compatible


Axes and Parameters configuration integrated in a single option


Module no longer available in Infinicyt


Infinicyt no longer prompts users when exiting the program

Progress bars included to visualize progression of extended tasks

Radio buttons and checkboxes can be selected from their text


No tasks and functionality resolved
Only technical changes which not affect the software use.


Bug detected after unloading a Compass Database.
Infinicyt performance may slow down after unloading a Compass database and entering Label/Scale configuration.


Bug detected while reviewing an analysis strategy with maturation.
Maturation diagrams do not keep the Visualization Data settings after loading and then unloading a gates review.

Unloading a Maturation database is not considered a step in the Analysis strategy.
Unloading a Maturation database step is not added to the analysis strategy.

Bug detected while loading an analysis strategy with maturation steps.
Maturation is not correctly applied when loading an analysis strategy.

Analysis Strategies

Bug detected while saving an analysis strategy with maturation.
Modifications made in maturation paths are not saved in the analysis strategies.

Bug detected while loading an analysis strategy.
Analysis Strategies with maturation cannot be applied if the population with the maturation path was deleted from the strategy.


Bug detected while correcting corrupt profiles.
Infinicyt would sometimes not assign the correct ID when correcting corrupt profiles.

Bug detected while lengthening windows vertically .
The content of the windows is not correctly updated to fit the new size.


Bug detected while loading Compass databases.
Internal error would sometimes occur when loading Compass databases in database edition.

File Merge

Bug detected while merging files.
Merged files (text format) would sometimes not show any event in Manual Analysis.

Generic - Previous Groups

Bug detected while consulting the previous groups.
The previous groups’ folder would sometimes indicate content when there was not any available.

Generic - Negative Visibility

Bug detected while changing the negative visibility with the keyboard.
The scroll would lose selection when changing the negative visibility with the keyboard.

Generic - Gates

Bug detected while performing a maturation path.
The symbol showed on the cursor would sometimes change to a cross when drawing a maturation path.

Reference Image

Internal error detected while applying reference images.
An internal error would appear when a reference image was created with the parameter time and then applied to the file without that parameter.

Analyzer - Graphics - Axes

Bug detected while configuring a virtual parameter.
It was possible to configure a virtual parameter when it was not defined in the axis.

Analyzer - Graphics - Gates

Bug detected while performing a second gate in the same diagram.
The symbol showed on the cursor would sometimes not change to an arrow when a second gate was redrawn in the same diagram.


Improvement performed in the compensation window.
The performance of the compensation window has been enhanced when working with files with a large number of events (

Improvement performed in stored compensations.
Stored compensation no longer allows multi selection.


Improvement performed in the diagram tooltips.
The tooltips allow inclusion of personalised information regarding the name of parameters.

Improvement performed while redrawing maturation paths.
Infinicyt now shows a warning when no events are visible before applying maturation.

Maturation / Report

Bug detected while changing the zoom of a normalised maturation diagram.
The normalised maturation did let change the zoom when a zoom was already applied in Manual Analysis.

Bug detected while changing calculation configuration in the maturation diagram.
The maturation diagram could not be calculated using events while in report.

Maturation Database

Improvement performed when comparing new cases.
The maturation database now can only be used with files where all parameters are common.


Improvement performed in the Data component.
The ‘:’ symbol was removed when it was not necessary to maintain homogeneity of the component.

Bug detected while moving components.
The overlaid position of components would sometime not be maintained when the report was reopened.

Bug detected while copying a Maturation Info diagram from the manual analysis.
The Maturation Info diagram would not maintain the representation when it copied directly from manual analysis.

Bug detected while saving a report in PDF format.
The report orientation could not be changed in PDF format.

Generic - Functions / Reference Images

Improvement performed in functions and reference images name.
TR:90722, 90121
Infinicyt now shortens the name of function or reference image according to the available space so that the values are always visible.


Bug detected while selecting events in a comparative diagram.
The selection of events in a comparative diagram could not be undone.

Internal error detected while importing a Compass database.
Infinicyt would sometimes show an internal error when importing a Compass database.

Bug detected while changing the SDs in a comparative diagram.
The SDs of a case could not be changed in a comparative diagram.

Bug detected while creating databases from analysed files.
Only the population ‘Events’ appeared in the database when using the option ‘create databases from analysed files’ even if more populations were present.

Bug detected while creating the same database more than twice.
The labels of the comparative APS would not always show the same order in relation to the created groups.


Bug detected while exporting statistics with the contextual menu.
Statistics exported with the contextual menu did not show header information.


Improvement performed in banners.
The installation banners were replaced for newer ones.

Manual Analysis

Improvement performed in windows positioning.
The configuration windows’ position of all diagrams was improved so that the workspace could be optimised.

Bug detected while changing the number of displayed events.
The number of displayed events could not be changed using the keyboard arrows.

Improvement performed when opening read only files.
Infinicyt now recognises different formats (e.g. images, .xml, .fcs, .ipf, .xml, .pdf, .dic, .cyt, .txt) classified by windows as a read only file and does not overwrite it.

Analysis Strategy / Batch

Bug detected while applying analysis strategies.
Analysis strategies were not applied at first after performing a batch.

File Merge

Bug detected while merging the same file twice.
Merging a file twice would make the revision unavailable.

File Export

Internal error detected while exporting independent files while removing one parameter.
A single population could not be exported in independent files if one of more parameters were removed.

Bug detected while exporting merged files as separate files.
Now, when selecting a non-existent folder for exporting merged files as separate files, the folder is created before exporting the files.


Improvement performed in the create functions window..
The value 0,00 no longer has the trash button active since it is a required element in the constructions of functions..


Bug detected while reviewing analysis strategies.
Analysis strategies could not be reviewed while Compass was applied.

Bug detected while changing label colour of a Compass group.
Label colour of Compass groups could not be changed in Manual Analysis.

Bug detected while closing a comparative plot.
Undoing the step of closing a comparative was not possible.


Improvement performed when saving analysed files.
The default option when saving analysed files is the CYT extension.

Bug detected while performing a drag&drop of a profile.
Profiles dragged onto Infinicyt would close the Manual Analysis module.

Improvement performed in saving files.
The character “/” can no longer be used as a valid while selecting a name for a file unless it is associated with a file extension.

Improvement performed to open files from Handyem.
Files from the cytometer Handyem can now be open in Infinicyt.

Bug detected while trying to select hierarchically inferior populations in Compass editor and maturation populations.
Selecting hierarchically inferior populations using Ctrl+ Click was not working properly.


Improvement performed in the storage of maturation data.
Changes have been made to assure compatibility of stored maturation data with future versions.

Improvement performed while drawing maturation in a single tube.
The blue line of maturation now depends only on the visibility of the file where it was drawn.

Improvement performed while redrawing maturation with invisible stages.
The blue line of maturation now appears even if one or more stages are invisible.

Bug detected while configuring the negativity in maturation diagrams.
Automatic negativity would not work in maturation diagrams.

Bug detected while changing from dram maturation to gate mode.
Changing from draw maturation to gate mode would reset configuration of the parameters used to calculate APS views.

Improvement performed in parameter area selection in the maturation diagram.
The area to select and change parameters in now wider in the right-click menu of maturation diagrams.

Improvement performed in the calculation of the last stage of maturation in normalised incremental representations.
The values of the last stage of maturation are now showed as 0,00 in normalised incremental representations.

Bug detected while changing parameters used to calculate APS views.
The rotation of the APS would not change even if the parameters used to calculate APS views were modified.

Bug detected while changing opacity of databases.
Option to change database opacity was not available in normalised diagrams.

Improvement performed in applying analysis strategies.
If a diagram is in draw maturation and an analysis strategy is applied it will automatically change to “Draw gate” mode.

Bug detected while assigning events to a population that already had a maturation drawn.
Assigning events to a population that already had maturation would recognise the same population twice and would not allow re-drawing maturation.

Bug detected while changing axes in a dot plot.
Undoing the change of an axis after drawing maturations would not show the maturation line.

Bug detected while duplicating a diagram.
The duplicated plot would not keep the “Draw Maturation Path” mode active.

Bug detected while entering the diagrams list.
The maturation diagram would appear listed in the diagrams list even if the maturation was not loaded.


Improvement performed when changing parameters in multiparameter graphs.
TR:89471, 69911
Diagrams with more than one parameter now select their default configuration (e.g. linear for FSC) instead of the “Apply to All” representation.

Bug detected while inverting gates.
Inverted gates would not paint the selected events.

Bug detected while changing the nomenclature of merged files.
Box plots would not refresh to the new name configuration.

Bug detected in the Box Plot diagram visibility.
The Box Plot would not consider the negativity of a file for its representation in file with parameters represented in Logical scale.

Bug detected while drawing maturations in a dot plot with SDs.
The SDs of a dot plot would disappear when drawing maturations.

Bug detected while redoing a maturation path.
All diagrams would unnecessarily recalculate after re-drawing a maturation path.

File Export

Bug detected while selecting populations to export.
Hierarchically inferior populations could not be selected independently from their superior.

Bug detected while exporting merged files into independent ones.
Exporting merged files into independent ones would cause the loss of the parameter INFCYT.


Improved performed in the APS diagram when supervised.
The APS diagram now shows a clearer message of why it cannot show events while in draw maturation mode.

Improvement performed in the contextual menu.
The contextual menu now indicates when the APS is supervised.

Bug detected while applying a zoom to a plot with maturation.
The blue line of the maturation would disappear after a zoom was applied.


Bug detected while changing a single value in the compensation window.
Changing a value in the compensation window would show an unnecessary scroll.

Bug detected while applying compensations to a text file.
Compensations could be visualised but not applied in text files.

Improvement performed in the profile compensation window.
Compensation window now adjusts to size of the written parameters.

Bug detected while saving compensation in different data types.
Saving data types L would cause a loss of precision while saving files after compensation was applied.

Bug detected while undoing two compensation changes.
Compensation would reset to its original data with the undo option instead of showing the intermediary compensation.

Improvement performed in gates while changing compensation.
Gates are automatically reset when there is a change in the compensation.

Bug detected while selecting stored compensations.
The list of stored compensations would not appear for compensations with smaller matrices.

Bug detected while changing compensations.
The buttons “Accept” and “Cancel” would both reset analysis while changing compensations.

Analysis Strategies

Bug detected while applying a strategy with single gates and gate assignations.
TR:88414, 85723
Analysis strategies combining single gates and gate assignations could not be applied.


Bug detected while performing a zoom in a file acquired only in Log.
Zoom to gate wouldn’t work in files only acquired in Log.


Bug detected while performing a repainting a gate after changing the visibility.
Repainting a gate after changing the visibility would not refresh to the visible data.

Bug detected while performing a gate in the maturation diagram.
Gates performed in the maturation diagram would not keep their format while resizing.

Reference Image

Bug detected while performing changing the opacity of reference image in a Parameter band histogram.
Changing the opacity of a reference image would modify the normalisation of the parameter band histogram.


Bug detected while decreasing the number of events in diagrams on the report.
The option to decrease the number of events would not show the possible maximum number of events.


Bug detected while anonimising files.
Configuration of file anonimisation window would not be kept if the file was not saved.

File Merge

Bug detected while saving a single file in the File Merge window.
A single file saved in the File merge window would not be recognised by default in the Manual Analysis window.

Population Tree

Improvement performed while reading events with errors.
Events with errors are no longer considered for the calculation of statistics.

Batch Analysis

Improvement performed while applying compensations.
Applying compensations after an strategy step is no longer allowed.


Bug detected while opening files using Ctrl+ N.
The command Ctrl +N (Open Next File) would not maintain Diagram Comparatives opened.

File Merge

Bug detected while opening Coulter files by drag and drop.
Opening Manual Analysis when selecting “Cancel” would be possible.


Bug detected while exporting the report to PDF.
Compass comparative diagram would not appear correctly in the exported report.

Bug detected while configuring a Diagram component.
The scale of the axes would not remain stable after changing the parameter.

Improvement performed on Diagrams mobilization.
Now moving diagrams in the report is only possible by using left-click in order to improve usability.

Improvement performed in ID export component.
ID export component now appears always it a default size according to the size of the window.


Bug detected while creating functions.
Percentage box would not maintain stable after selecting another option on the window.

File Export

Bug detected while exporting merged files.
File Export would not work properly when exporting merged files to a single file with 6000 events.


Bug detected while exporting statistics.
Functions would be exported although there would be no information for the population or the file.


Bug detected while saving a file.
Parameter labels would sometimes lose a letter when the label contains the symbol “/”.

Bug detected while using contextual menus.
It was possible to draw gates while the contextual menu was still active.

Improvement performed in opening files from more advanced Infinicyt versions.
The version 1.6 can now read files from the 1.7 version excluding details of Maturation.

Profile Manager

Improvement performed in Cytognos’ profiles.
Cytognos’ profiles LST, SST and ALOT where improved and replaced.


Bug detected while cancelling compensation.
The cancel button was not working properly.


Bug detected while opening files using Ctrl+ N.
The command Ctrl +N (Open Next File) would not maintain Diagram Comparatives opened.


Bug detected while performing gates in Multidimensional Diagram.
Gates would sometimes not select correctly the events if performed in a small dimension diagram.

Bug detected while drawing a Maturation Path and opening a new file.
APS Diagram would maintain Supervised configuration when opening a new file.

Improvement performed in basic licences
APS Diagram PC1 and PC2 info is now displayed in Diagram Info window.

Bug detected on APS 3D Diagram.
Axes Configuration window would not show correctly the APS Views displayed.

Bug detected while choosing Balanced configuration on the APS Diagram.
Balanced configuration would not be correctly performed when displaying maturation stages.

Bug detected while gating on a Dotplot.
Gating on the corner of a Dotplot with SSC negative values would sometimes not work properly.

Bug detected while changing Label Configuration
After clicking on Default Colour, the colour chooser would disappear.

Improvement related with parameter selection.
The zone of the diagram where is possible to change the parameters displayed has been expanded.

Bug detected while configuring Axes.
After changing Parameter Representation several times a previously performed gate would not be stable.


Bug detected while saving a file.
Parameter labels would sometimes lose a letter when the label contains the symbol “/”.

Bug detected while saving profiles.
Warning message for saving the changes on the profile would sometimes appear duplicated.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while reviewing an Analysis Strategy.
It was possible to change the name of the Analysis Strategy while reviewing it.

File Export

Bug detected while exporting merged files.
File Export would not work properly when exporting merged files to a single file with 6000 events.


Bug detected while creating functions.
Percentage box would not maintain stable after selecting another option on the window.


Bug detected while configuring diagrams.
Diagrams configuration window would sometimes be not accessible.

Bug detected while exporting the report to PDF.
Compass comparative diagram would not appear correctly in the exported report.

Bug detected while configuring a Diagram component.
TR:81618, 82028
The scale of the axes would not remain stable after changing the parameter.

Bug detected while configuring a Population Tree component.
TR:79880, 82273
“Only population with events” option would sometimes not work properly.

Improvement performed on Diagrams mobilization.
Now moving diagrams in the report is only possible by using left-click in order to improve usability.

Batch Analysis

Bug detected while accessing Batch Analysis.
Batch Analysis would sometimes not open while accessing from Manual Analysis.

Improvement performed in Batch Analysis.
Batch Analysis works now properly on Windows 8.

Bug detected while opening Batch Analysis.
Opening non-saved merged files with Batch Analysis (from Manual Analysis) would not work properly.

File Merge

Bug detected while opening Coulter files by drag and drop.
Opening Manual Analysis when selecting “Cancel” would be possible.

Bug detected while loading Analysis Strategies.
Loading an Analysis Strategy in a single file of the merge would not work properly.


Bug detected while exporting statistics.
Functions would be exported although there would be no information for the population or the file.


Improvement performed in SD calculation.
SD Calculation on Maturation diagram was optimised.

Bug detected while opening a new file.
Draw Maturation configuration would not remain stable in the APS diagram when opening a new file.


Bug detected in Maturation diagram scales.
Scales would sometimes not be in line with the label.

Bug detected while removing stages.
Removing stages in maturation would allow to “Apply Original Maturation Path”.

Improvement performed in basic licences.
Options from maturation that cannot be applied to basic licences were limited.

Bug detected while gating in a maturation diagram.
Gates performed in maturation diagram could not be deleted using the Del key.

Bug detected while drawing a path.
Hiding a stage with the Visibility option would hide also the maturation path.

Improvement performed while drawing a path in a merge.
Maturation databases are now saved independent tube visibility in the merge combo.

Bug detected while consulting Maturation tooltips.
The tooltips would not show the correct information when in MFI.

Improvement performed in label position.
Labels are now always aligned and at the same distance of scales.

Bug detected while changing tubes in maturation.
Tubes were counted from 0 and not from 1.


Bug detected while performing gates.
Gates would sometimes not maintain its correct format if performed very quickly.

Bug detected while opening files using Ctrl+ N.
The command Ctrl +N (Open Next File) would sometimes not recognise extra files in a folder.

Bug detected while using contextual menus.
It was possible to draw gates while the contextual menu was still active.

Bug detected while closing Infinicyt.
The software would not close Infinicyt main window when that option was selected when an analysis was opened.

Bug detected while opening Coulter files.
Previous opening configurations would not be stored while opening Coulter files in a single session.


Bug detected while undoing a zoom.
Undoing a zoom would sometimes not return to its original state if the negative scale was involved.


Bug detected while consulting properties.
Changing the order of files in the properties matrix was limited since it does not have any function.

Profile Manager

Improvement performed in Cytognos’ profiles.
TR:79929, 79930
Cytognos’ profiles LST, SST and ALOT where improved and replaced.


Improvement performed in Infinicyt installation.
Infinicyt installation is now compatible with Windows 8.


Bug detected while exporting in .xml.
The last output folder would not be stored when exporting .xml files.

Improvement performed in ID export component.
ID export component now appears always it a default size according to the size of the window.


Bug detected while using Compass Edition.
The review column would appear in Compass Edition.

Improvement performed in Compass comparatives.
Performance of compass comparatives was improved.

File Merge

Bug detected while dragging files in the file list.
Files could not be dragged to the file list.


Bug detected while creating a statistic value.
Type Summatiowas not working properly.

Population Tree

Improvement performed in statistics calculation.
Precision of calculated statistics (Total, Partial and Visibility) was improved.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while performing gates in SSC.
Events could not be selected in SSC negative values.

Bug detected while performing gates in logarithmic scales.
Lower events of logarithmic scale could not be selected in SSC negative values.

Bug detected while reviewing gates in histograms.
A new histogram was created when reviewing histogram gates.


Bug detected while performing reviewing strategy.
Strategies where selections and maturations had been performed could not be reviewed correctly.

Bug detected while performing resetting an analysis.
Maturation stages would sometimes not reset to the Events populations.

Bug detected while applying zoom in accumulated diagrams.
TR:79580, 79648
Zoom could not be applied in accumulated diagrams.

Bug detected while changing local visibility in maturation diagrams.
Scales would sometimes not be represented when two populations had maturation and only one was selected in local visibility.

Bug detected while changing local visibility in draw maturation dot plot.
Local visibility would not be applied to maturation stages if the local visibility was selected before the maturation was drawn.

Improvement performed in diagram options.
Options that cannot be applied in maturation diagrams were limited.

Bug detected in diagram configurations when database was loaded.
Database configuration o would sometimes not appear available.

Bug detected in the 0 of absolute diagrams.
The 0 of normalised diagrams would sometimes not be represented in absolute diagrams.

Bug detected in profile warnings.
The profile warning would sometimes detect changes when this did not occur.


Bug detected while performing review strategy.
Strategies where zoom had been performed could not be reviewed.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while performing review strategy in files with different scales.
Analysis strategies were not applied correctly on files with different scales.

Bug detected while changing Gates configuration.
Selected Events Colour configuration would not apply to a gate previously drawn.

Bug detected while performing gates.
Gates would sometimes not maintain the round shape if they were drawn very quickly.


Bug detected while putting means and medians in the report.
Means and medians could not be represented in histograms in the report.


Appearance changes

Improved application performance

New TXT format opening window

All tables changed to hierarchy trees

Population Dictionary


EuroFlow Screening Tubes’ profiles available

Profile Manager

Report Preview

Export Statistics tab

New statistics exportation format (.csv)

New statistics: Geometric Mean, First Quartile (Q1) and Third Quartile (Q3)


APS Balanced and Supervised included

Possibility of displaying 1 and/or 2 Standard Deviations


New Configure Visualization Data Window

Export Statistics

Improvement performed in the statistics export window.
The Export button is selected by default instead of the Cancel button.


Improvement performed when using the Ctrl + D short-cut.
The window of New Diagram now cannot be open while other action is being performed in a diagram.

Improvement performed while displaying means/medians.
Selected means/medians will always be displayed in front.


Improvement performed in undoing actions.
If a population is made visible while assigning events to it, undoing this action will hide the population.

File Export

Improvement performed in exporting anonymised files
Parameters related to compensation such as $SPILL, SPILL and $DFCxToy can no longer be anonymised.

Batch Analysis

Bug detected while applying different compensations.
Compensation matrices of certain profiles could not be applied in Batch Analysis.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while performing an analysis in a single tube.
Using Ctrl+1 to identify a population would limit the option of saving an analysis strategy.

Bug detected while performing a gate.
Gates would sometimes not close automatically after drawing.

File Editor

Improvement performed in the anonymisation of files.
Parameters from more than one data set can now be included in the anonymisation process.

Export Statistics

Improvement performed in the statistics export window.
The Export button is selected by default instead of the Cancel button.


Improvement performed when using the Ctrl + D short-cut.
The window of New Diagram now cannot be open while other action is being performed in a diagram.

Improvement performed while displaying means/medians.
Selected means/medians will always be displayed in front.


Improvement performed in a Cytognos profile.
The Lymphoclonal profile was improved.


Improvement performed in undoing actions.
If a population is made visible while assigning events to it, undoing this action will hide the population.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while performing an analysis in a single tube.
Using Ctrl+1 to identify a population would limit the option of saving an analysis strategy.

Bug detected while performing a gate.
Gates would sometimes not close automatically after drawing.

File Editor

Improvement performed in the anonymisation of files.
Parameters from more than one data set can now be included in the anonymisation process.


Improvement performed while displaying medians in compass.
Calculated files would show all medians of each individual tube.


Improvement performed in the setup wizard.
The language package of the setup wizard was upgraded.

Batch Analysis

Bug detected while applying different compensations.
Compensation matrices of certain profiles could not be applied in Batch Analysis.


Bug detected while adding a Box-plot to the report.
The Box-plot configuration window could not be edited when it was first added to the report.

Bug detected while applying different visibilities to density 3D diagrams.
Means and medians could not be applied to 3D density diagrams if visibility had been preciously completely erased.

Calculate Data

Bug detected while erasing a tube while in the Calculate Data wizard.
An error would occur while eliminating a tube of the Calculate Data wizard after using the “Next” and “Previous” buttons.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while reviewing an analysis strategy.
The number of events of a gate would change while reviewing a strategy and then undoing the action.

File Export

Improvement performed in exporting anonymised files.
Parameters related to compensation such as $SPILL, SPILL and $DFCxToy can no longer be anonymised.


Improvement performed in calculating density and SDs.
Density and SDs are now calculated in compass diagrams considering they are balanced.

Manual Analysis

Improvement performed when opening Coulter files.
Data resolution is now better while opening Coulter files.

Bug detected while changing populations local visibility in diagrams.
Density of selected events could not be shown in diagrams where local visibility had been configured to show no populations.

Bug detected while changing Number of Displayed Events.
Warning of displayed events did not refresh when changing that number using percentage values.

Bug detected while selecting events of a subpopulation.
A subpopulation node would be opened in the population tree if that subpopulation was selected in a diagram.

Improvement performed in labels in Box-Plot diagram configuration.
Best Coulter dataset configuration is now programmed while opening a Coulter file.

Improvement performed when opening coulter files.
Best Coulter dataset configuration is now programmed while opening a Coulter file.

Bug detected while saving a file with two datasets.
Files with more than one dataset could not be saved as .fcs or text.

Bug detected while exporting a file with two compensations.
Files presenting more than one compensation could not be exported.

Bug detected while changing the number of global events.
The warning showing the number of global events was not refresh while changing the calculation settings from percentage to absolute value.

File Merge

Bug detected while creating all diagrams.
All diagrams could not be created using the Tile (Ctrl+T) option in files with few parameters.

Manual Analysis

Improvement performed on Coulter files data resolution.
Data resolution and visualisation is now better while opening Coulter files.

Bug detected while selecting events of a subpopulation.
A subpopulation node would be opened in the population tree if that subpopulation was selected in a diagram.

Improvement performed in labels in Box-Plot diagram configuration.
Box-Plot diagram configuration labels were improved in the Spanish version of Infinicyt.

Improvement performed when opening coulter files.
Best Coulter dataset configuration is now programmed while opening a Coulter file.

Bug detected while saving a file with two datasets.
Files with more than one dataset could not be saved as .fcs or text.

Bug detected while exporting a file with two compensations.
Files presenting more than one compensation could not be exported.

File Merge

Bug detected while creating all diagrams.
All diagrams could not be created using the Tile (Ctrl+T) option in files with few parameters.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while opening a file with an improper extension.
A warning of improper file extension would appear twice while opening it in Manual Analysis module.

Improvement performed in undoing a gate using Ctrl-Z.
Making two consecutive gates in the same diagram is now considered a single action (erasing the first plus drawing a new one) and the first gate can be regained performing just once the undo action.

Improvement performed when changing compensation in an analysed file.
User can now change compensations of a previously analysed file if all events are in the “unsigned events population” without the need to re-open file.

Bug detected while changing parameters in a diagram.
Axes would lose their previous configuration if the same parameter was selected when changing parameters.

Bug detected while configuring the number of events displayed.
Events could not be displayed appropriately when the selected number of events displayed was higher than the ones existing in the file.

Bug detected while reviewing an analysis strategy.
Revising strategies where a gate had been eliminated would sometimes result in errors in the program.

Calculate Data

Bug detected while opening Manual Analysis after saving a calculated file.
The Manual Analysis module would not recognise a file saved in the Calculate Data module has the last opened file.

Improvement performed in Calculate Data wizard.
Now diagrams will always be brought to front in Calculate Data wizard second step.

File Merge

Bug detected while merging parameters with all parameters common.
When merging files with all parameters common and then setting one of them as non-common would make it impossible to join them using the parameters dictionary.


Improvement performed when corresponding cases with a database.
Compass will now recognise when a database has inactive parameters and will not compare them.

Improvement performed while exporting statistics.
The populations “other” will no longer be exported in Compass Statistics.

Improvement performed while opening files non compatible with databases.
Compass will no longer show the correspondences window if parameters are not compatible and no selection of compatible parameters is possible.

Improvement performed while opening non-compatible files.
Compass will be inactive every time a non-compatible file is charged allowing to change automatically to compatible files without the need of re-opening Compass.

Improvement performed while importing and exporting .dcf files.
Performance of import and export actions of .dcf files was increased.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while configuring the number of events displayed.
Events could not be displayed appropriately when the selected number of events displayed was higher than the ones existing in the file.

Bug detected while reviewing an analysis strategy.
Revising strategies where a gate had been eliminated would sometimes result in errors in the program.

Bug detected while loading a new profile.
Reference images previously configured in the report would not appear if a new profile or a.cyt was opened.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while opening a file with an improper extension.
A warning of improper file extension would appear twice while opening it in Manual Analysis module.

Bug detected while loading non-compatible Reference Images or Analysis Strategies.
Incorrect loading of non-compatible Reference Images or Analysis Strategies was possible by double-clicking on their name in the selector.

Improvement performed in undoing a gate using Ctrl-Z.
Making two consecutive gates in the same diagram is now considered a single action (erasing the first plus drawing a new one) and the first gate can be regained performing just once the undo action.

Bug detected while calculating the mode (statistics).
The mode (statistics) could not be calculated in certain cases.

Bug detected while changing order of parameters in PB diagrams.
The bands number in PB diagrams configuration would sometimes appear cut.

Bug detected while loading a report.
The report would not be made in case a diagram was configured with a reference image that was previously erased from the profile.

Improvement performed in diagrams performance.
Possible crashing of diagrams is now reduced.

Calculate Data

Bug detected while opening Manual Analysis after saving a calculated file.
The Manual Analysis module would not recognise a file saved in the Calculate Data module has the last opened file.


Improvement performed in the display of case means and medians in Compass.
Now, the median and mean of a new case will always appear above the ones from the existing groups.

Bug detected while opening a comparatives associated with a single group.
Selecting to show comparatives of a single group after all comparatives were hidden would make that all comparatives would appear firstly than the ones from the group.

Improvement performed in loading Compass.
Compass now presents a progress bar while loading Compass.

File Merge

Improvement performed when opening a file with more than one dataset.
Entering in the Manual Analysis module from the File Merge module no longer asks to select datasets since they were selected while entering the File Merge module.

Batch Analysis

Improvement performed while loading files with the same name.
Batch Analysis now recognises file with the same name if they come from a different extension and will create results accordingly.

Improvement performed while loading merge files.
Batch Analysis can now be used to export merge files keeping file number separation, mixed in a single tube or in separated files.

Improvement performed in Batch Analysis wizard
Batch Analysis wizard now recognises when no changes were performed in configurations and does not restart the Batch.

Manual Analysis

Improvement performed in loading analysis strategies.
The software now recognises when an analysis strategy is not compatible and does not show the Check Correspondences window.

Improvement performed in Default Profile.
Diagrams created using the default profile will now take in consideration the existence of more FSC and are built accordingly.

Improvement performed in export statistics.
Statistics now present the same format for null parameters (NA or 0.00) both in Infinicyt and in Excel.

Improvement performed on negative visibility configuration.
The software now indicates when there are changes in one or in all parameters simultaneously.

Bug detected while opening a single tube.
The combo of the merge files would appear when a single file was opened in Manual Analysis.

Calculate Data

Bug detected while changing visibilities in different steps of the Calculate Data wizard.
Calculate Data wizard would only assume the first changes in visibility when the Previous/Next buttons where used more than once.

Bug detected while using the Default Profile in the Calculate Data wizard.
Diagrams would not appear in the second step of the Calculate Data wizard when using the Default Profile.

Improvement performed in the Calculate Data wizard.
In the first step of the Calculate Data wizard you are obliged to have at least two tubes before being allowed to advance.


Improvement performed in Infinicyt performance.
Performance was improved for versions running in Windows XP and 32 bits.

Batch Analysis

Bug detected while creating reports in Batch Analysis.
A warning of “null” report would appear and consequently the report could not be created.

Bug detected while duplicating a Batch Analysis.
Default out-put directory would be the same as the original file while it should have a different directory.

Bug detected while creating reports in Batch Analysis.
Reports generated from .cyt would not use the analysis strategy of the analysed file if the user entered in Batch Analysis from the Manual Analysis module.

Bug detected while using Batch Analysis Previous/Next buttons.
A batch could not be restarted if the user used the previous and next button to restart it.


Improvement performed in Compass refreshing in report mode.
Compass in report now detects if the opened file is not compatible with the current database and will not allow refreshing.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected while exporting reports in XML.
All report components were exported to XML even though they were configured otherwise.

Improvement performed in compensation matrices.
Values higher than 100 and less than 0 can be used in compensation matrices.

Improvement performed in population band Dotplots labels.
Changing labels position in population band Dotplots no longer affects the parameter label visualisation.

Bug detected while entering in export statistics or report mode.
Entering in export statistics or report mode would sometimes give errors.

Improvement performed in loading analysis strategies.
The software now recognises when an analysis strategy is not compatible and does not show the Check Correspondences window.


Bug reported when registering Infinicyt.
Users with registration codes ending by 0 could not register Infinicyt.

Improvement performed in Infinicyt performance.
Performance was improved for versions running in Windows XP and 32 bits.

Calculate Data

Bug detected while calculating two populations separately.
Calculate Data module was calculating populations that were already calculated when no changes were performed in them.

Bug detected while changing visibilities in different steps of the Calculate Data wizard.
Calculate Data wizard would only assume the first changes in visibility when the Previous/Next buttons where used more than once.

Bug detected while using the Default Profile in the Calculate Data wizard.
Diagrams would not appear in the second step of the Calculate Data wizard when using the Default Profile.

File Merge

Bug detected while grouping a parameter.
Grouped parameters no longer create incorrect parameters.

Bugs detected while grouping parameters.
Grouped parameters no longer create incorrect parameters.

Bugs detected while grouping parameters.
Grouped parameters no longer create incorrect parameters.

Improvement performed in the slit-panels size.
Split-panels in the File Merge module will now maintain its proportions when the window is maximised or minimised.

Manual Analysis

Improvement performed when saving a new profile.
A profile name is not anymore suggested when a profile is saved from the Default Profile.

Improvement performed when dragging a report component.
The mouse cursor is now always visible when dragging a report component.

Bug detected while deleting populations under revision.
A population under revision was not recuperated correctly if it was deleted and then recuperated by an undo-step (ctrl-z).

Bug detected while opening consecutive .cyt files.
A double warning would appear when opening a .cyt file when an analysed file was already opened and the process was cancelled in the profile change authorisation.

Improvement performed while performing copy-cut and paste actions.
Populations will keep its original selection in the Population Tree during the actions of copy-cut and paste actions.

Improvement performed in warning when revising strategies.
Information of revised strategies of several tubes is now properly detailed.

Improvement performed in calculating parameters.
Now, only populations identified through common parameters can be calculated.

Bug detected while printing a PDF report.
The printing process bar presented an invalid label.


Bug detected in the third step of the Calculate Data wizard.
Going back and forward in the Calculate Data wizard steps would collapse the right-side of the split panel.

Manual analysis

Bug detected when applying an analysis strategy.
Applying an analysis strategy in a profile where populations were previously modified would not charge the analysis strategy.

Bug detected when charging a reference image in an analysed file.
Density configuration was not maintained when charging a reference image in an analysed file.

Bug detected while loading/unloading an analysis.
The split panel of the review analysis would sometimes not disappear or it would not maintain its proportions.

Improvement performed in editing diagram labels.
In Parameter Band Diagrams editing labels is now more expedite.

Bug detected while deleting populations under revision.
A population under revision was not recuperated correctly if it was deleted and then recuperated by an undo-step (ctrl-z).

Improvement performed when deleting all diagrams.
All diagrams can now be deleted (ctrl-b) without any warning since the step can be undone.

Bug detected while opening consecutive .cyt files.
A double warning would appear when opening a .cyt file when an analysed file was already opened and the process was cancelled in the profile change approval.

Improvement performed while performing copy-cut and paste actions.
Populations will keep its original selection in the Population Tree during the actions of copy-cut and paste actions.

Bug detected while opening reports from Infinicyt versions 1.1 or inferior.
Infinicyt 1.6 could not open diagrams on reports made in versions of Infinicyt lower than 1.1 version.

Improvement performed in warning when revising strategies.
Information of revised strategies of several tubes is now properly detailed.

Improvement performed in calculating parameters.
Now only populations identified through common parameters can be calculated.

Improvement performed when saving a new profile
A profile name is not anymore suggested when a profile is saved from the Default Profile.

Improvement performed when dragging a report component
The mouse cursor is now always visible when dragging a report component.


Bug detected when deleting cases while applying automatic negativity.
Automatic negativity could not be refreshed in normal diagrams when a case was deleted.

Bug detected while opening compass using the Show Compass button.
Compass could not be open correctly when using the Show Compass button in a case that needed parameter correspondence and calculation.

Bug detected in a Compass diagram displayed on a report.
A compass diagram could not be refreshed when displayed in a report.

Batch Analysis

Bug detected while using merged files in a batch analysis.
Files with names with more than one blank space would cause problems in opening files created in the batch analysis.

Bug detected while exporting reports in Batch.
Population Tree would have different colours if the report output was to multiple files or to a single file.

Bug detected while erasing batches.
Batch Analysis could sometimes not be deleted.

Improvement performed when configuring a report.
A warning will no longer appear when the report applied in Batch Analysis was modified in Manual Analysis.

Improvement performed while changing populations in the export statistics tab.
A warning will now appear when there is any modifications in the populations in the export statics tab when consecutive batches are performed.

Bug detected while using files with blank spaces in their names.
Files can now be open even if they were written with several blank spaces in the end of their name.

File Merge

Improvement performed in warning when merging files with different scales.
Warning that appears while merging files with different scale ranges is now properly detailed.

Bugs detected while grouping parameters.
Grouped parameters no longer create incorrect parameters.

Improvement performed in the slit-panels size.
Split-panels in the File Merge module will now maintain its proportions when the window is maximised or minimised.

Main Menu

Bug detected while accessing Advanced Analysis.
Advanced Analysis could not be accessed using a basic licence.


Bug detected when merging two groups in the previous groups dictionary.
Merging two groups in the previous groups dictionary with the same name could not be performed.

Manual Analysis

Bug detected in APS diagram when changing current file.
The APS diagram did not take all parameters from a new file if it had more parameters than the previously opened one.

Bug detected in virtual parameters dependent visibility statistics.
Gates performed on a diagram with a virtual parameter which is dependent on partial visibility statics gave incongruent results.

Bug detected in statistics of files merged without complete parameter information.
Statistic values from the Population Tree took in consideration events without complete parameter information. Observed in “Population Files" "All Files".

Bug detected when copying several times the same population.
The same population copied repeatedly would appear in different places of the Population Tree.


Improvement performed when selecting populations to calculate.
A population can now be added to the Compass even if it was not calculated and the user will be warned about this information on the Compass diagram.

Improvement performed when using relevant comparative button.
Relevant comparatives are now actualised every time a group is made visible if the relevant comparative button is pressed.

Improvement performed in dialog when importing databases.
Dialog that appears when trying to import a database with file extension different from .dcf is now more explanatory./li

Improvement performed in database export button.
Export database button is now disabled if there are no databases created.

Bug detected in Box Plot diagram when changing case colour.
The Box Plot diagram did not change its appearance if the colour of a case was modified inside Compass Edition module.

Bug detected while assigning non-calculated events.
Assigning non-calculated events to population with calculated events would in rare occasions cause discrepancies in the Compass diagram.

Bug detected when deleting a population with events in Compass.
Discrepancies were observed in Compass if the action of deleting a population from the Population Tree was undone.

Batch Analysis

Bug detected when duplicating a Batch name.
Batch name could be duplicated from the Batches Manager.


Bug detected when going to Manual Analysis with an unsaved merge file.
Unsaved merge file was not recovered if after going directly from File Merge module to Manual Analysis the user tried to open an analysed file refusing to change profiles.


Bug detected when grouping parameters.
Calculate wizard steps panel collapsed when grouping parameters.


Bug detected when returning from the last wizard step.
Parameters configuration was lost when returning from the last wizard step.


Improvement performed on exiting modal dialogs.
Modal dialogs can now be closed using the ESC key.

Improvement performed on reference images configuration.
Options related to reference image are now enabled or disabled according to the diagram where they are being configured.

Improvement performed on ALT key direct access.
ALT.key menus direct access works now better.

Bug detected while cancelling profile change.
A new dialog window would appear asking to change file after the action of changing the current profile action was cancelled.

Bug detected while moving a parameter to another group in the previous groups configuration.
Changing a parameter to another group would make that the first one would disappear.

Manual Analysis

Improvement performed on Analysis Manual menu visualisation.
Manual Analysis menu reorders itself while resizing the window thus being always visible.

Improvement performed on unloading strategy.
Infinicyt now shows a loading bar whenever the unloading strategy takes more than a few seconds.

Improvement performed on negative visibility configuration.
Negative visibility can now be configured using the arrow keys after clicking on any parameter slider bar.

Improvement performed on the tile function.
Diagrams are now better organised when there are too few or too many number of diagrams.

Bug detected while displaying information dialogs over the Manual Analysis window.
Information dialogs over Manual Analysis window were trimmed when the frame was at screen limit.

Bug detected while renaming groups in previous groups configuration.
Two groups from the previous groups dictionary could present the same name without any warning of doubled name.

Bug detected while overwriting compensation.
Two different compensations could be named the same if they had different lasers.

Bug detected while saving a reference image with the same name as a previously existing one.
Saving a reference image with the same name as a previous one gives a warning to verify overwriting. The reference image was overwritten if this dialog was cancelled using the close button.

Bug detected while moving populations with the mouse.
Sometimes the user would be able to move a population within the Population Tree using the mouse button.

Bug detected while assigning events to a population using diagrams menu.
Assigning events to a particular population using the diagrams menu was sometimes not possible when the Population Tree add a high number of populations because not all of them could be displayed.

Bug detected while applying the Ctrl.Z action after configurating APS parameters.
APS configuration could not be undone using the Ctrl.Z action

Bug detected while copying and pasting populations in the Population Tree.
Populations would appear twice while they were being copied and pasted within the Population Tree.

Bug detected while loading a file after one with a single parameter.
Default diagrams would appear twice in a file with more parameters if it was loaded after one with a single parameter.

Bug detected when copying a population.
A population could be copied into its grandchild making that the software would crash.

Bug detected while selecting the automatic negative visibility.
Selecting automatic negative visibility configuration would not be saved when the dialog configuration is reopened.

Bug detected while unchecking all populations in the Population Tree.
A diagram would sometimes not repaint itself if all populations where made invisible.

Bug detected while using the Apply Default option in diagrams.
Events visibility and density do not change properly while using the Apply Default option to diagrams.


Bug detected while unchecking a parameter.
Customised group name (previous groups dictionary) would lose their last letter when unchecking that particular parameter.

Bug detected when ungrouping parameters.
Parameters could not be ungrouped using File Merge module parameter matrix.

Improvement performed on the Controls window Population Differences tab visualisation.
A scroll has been added to the Population Differences tab when there are a high number of parameters.

Bug detected when going to Manual Analysis with an unsaved merge file.
Unsaved merge file was not recovered if after going directly from File Merge module to Manual Analysis the user tried to open an analysed file refusing to change profiles.


Bug detected while unchecking all parameters from the merge matrix.
Software could crash if all parameter from the merge matrix where unchecked and the process was approved pressing the Next button.


Bug detected while resizing a component.
A report component would be displaced after resizing.

Bug detected while configuring an APS diagram in files with only one parameter.
APS diagrams could not be configured correctly when the current file only had one parameter.

Improvement performed on disabling forbidden options in report diagram component.
Options that cannot be applied to a particular diagram are now disabled according to the diagram selected.

Improvement performed on exporting and printing a report.
Options related to exporting and printing a report are now enabled or disabled according to the configured report.


Bug detected while reopening the same file.
A file with the same name as the previously open would be opened in the File Editor module with non.actualised configurations.


Improvement performed on combo of beads parameter.
Unchecked parameters in merge table do not appear anymore in beads parameter combo list.


Cytognos reagents’ profiles available

Open files by Drag & Drop

Manual Analysis and Calculate Data modules integrated

Improved application performance

Main Screen, Report and Profile Configuration window user defined position and size are maintained in all sessions

Manual Analysis

New density representations: Linear and Probabilistic

Error events are shown as part of population tree total events

“Save as Current Strategy” option included in “Save Analysis Strategy” dialogue box

Gate strategies are adjusted automatically to new files if small differences are detected

Reference Image is applied separately to each band in File Number DotPlots


New pop-up menu to select parameters


Possibility of choosing different dates

Calculate Data

Non-calculated events accessible using Population Tree right-click menu

Batch Analysis

Compass Tool


Improvement of “error params” message on opening.
When during the Infinicyt opening, is shown the message “The params file is not correct. It is from a newer version of the software”, the error code is not shown beside the text of the message. In other cases, the message is not the correct one.

Improvement when changing negative visibility configuration.
Now you can use the keyboard to change negative visibility configuration with the slider.

Bug when displaying the Infinicyt icon on “Programs and Features” option on “Control Panel” of Windows Vista/7.
For 64 bits Infinicyt versions, the icon is not displayed on "Programs and Features" dialog on "Control Panel" of Windows Vista or Windows 7.

Bug when opening Manual Analysis.
When there is a file opened in Manual Analysis and it is closed, if the user clicks on "Manual Analysis" button in main screen of Infinicyt, it reopens the previous file and displays the "Open File ..." dialog to select another one.

Bug when displaying message when a required field is not present in the FCS file.
When the BYTEORD field is not present in the FCS file, the error message displayed is not correct because indicates that DATATYPE field is not present. Moreover, the message displayed in Infinicyt is not correct when the MODE field or the DATATYPE field is not present.

Manual Analysis

Improvement when editing statistics in Profile Configuration.
When the user adds (to be shown) new statistics in Profile Configuration Dialog, the Population tree won't be refresh until the user confirms the changes.

Improvement of the Statistics Parameters configuration.
If the user opens the configuration of a statistic parameter, which is referenced by a virtual parameter, and then closes it by clicking on the "Ok" button (without making any change), it displays a unnecessary message.

Improvement when displaying dialogs.
Improvement when displaying dialogs near the limits of the screen that avoids them to be cut.

Improvement when displaying APS graphic.
Improvement on the time takes to calculate the APS graphic when one ".txt" file with too small values is opened.

Improvement when displaying labels color in Band graphics.
If the color of the label is too similar to the color of the back-end of the graphic or too similar to the color of the events displayed on graphic, the label is displayed with a border in the opposite color of the label color.

Improvement in labels configuration.
It is possible to configure a label without any visualization (fluorescence, marker, etc.).

Improvement on Previous Groups.
It is possible to rename the groups defined on dictionary.

Improvement when displaying “3D density” graphics.
Improvement the time used by Infinicyt to display the "3D density" graphics with means and medians over a file with multiple tubes.

Bug Infinicyt hangs when a virtual parameter is displayed in a graphic.
When a virtual parameter is displayed in a graphic and the user deletes it, then if the user makes a "CTRL + Z" and "CTRL + Y", Infinicyt hangs.

Bug when editing compensation.
If the statistics are displayed in Population tree and the user tries to edit compensation data, Infinicyt gets hang and does not recover to the normal state.

Bug when applying stored compensation.
If the compensation stored contains, for every parameter, the name of lasers and markers and the user tries to apply that compensation to other files with the same parameters but without markers, the compensation cannot be apply.

Bug when applying Negative Visibility on a graph.
When the parameters of a graph have been fixed over a file, and then, another file is opened with different parameters and user modifies the negative visibility over this graph, it is not applied because correspondence is not possible to be set between the old parameters to the new parameters.

Bug when configuring Negative Visibility.
When Negative Visibility is configured in automatic mode and then, if a parameter is configured with local visibility it causes that the negative visibility of the rest of parameters is modified.

Bug when assigning events to a new population.
When the user makes a gate and then creates a new population on Population tree, on which assigns the events selected by the gate, the events are displayed behind the Events population on all graphics.

Bug when displaying APS after reset an analysis.
When an analysis, made with an APS diagram, is reset, and then, this action is undo (CTRL+Z), the APS does not take the same visualization because it is not calculated over the same events.

Bug when creating diagrams with two screens.
When the screens order on hardware is not the same as the screens order on Windows, and the user creates new diagrams, these appear on secondary screen (on Windows), not in main screen.

Bug when editing virtual parameters.
When a virtual parameter depends on a statistic parameter, and the user deletes this last one, the virtual parameter does not appears in red color unless the user configures it or re-opens the Profile Configuration dialog.

Bug when changing the all labels color.
If the user tries to configure the all labels color with the default color of one label, the changes has no effect because the new color is the same as the default color.

Bug when displaying current tab on label configuration dialog.
If the user select a different option in label configuration dialog (eg. from the Parameters option to the Populations option), the tab selected currently change to the "Text" tab.

Bug when editing the label configuration in a graphic.
The configuration of a label inside a graphic is associated to an axis, ie, if the user configures the label A located in the X axis (the B label is located in the Y axis) and inverts the axes, then, the label B takes the configuration done on the label A and vice-versa.

Bug when exporting statistics.
If the export settings have been made with "representation by tube" and the user tries to apply it to a file with one tube, Infinicyt throws an error message.

Bug when deleting and renaming the reference images.
When there are two references images (eg. "A" and "B"), and the "A" reference image is deleted and, then, the "B" reference image is renamed to the "A", it provokes that the original "A" reference image continues and the original "B" reference image disappears.


Improvement of the cancel process on Diagram's edition.
If the Diagram edition process is canceled or closed, a "loading" window is displayed (although there are no changes to be applied) and a flickering is produced over the diagram.

Bug when displaying “New Component” dialog.
When the "New Component" dialog is displayed, the user can continue working with the rest of components.

Bug when copying graphic from revision to report.
If the user closes all the graphics of the manual analysis and opens a graphic associated with a revision, then if copies it to the report, the graphic does not displayed correctly.

File Merge

Bug when making Drag&Drop between components of different types.
If the user drags an element from the Files List and drops it in the Parameter table, the application throws an exception. The same is true in reverse.


Bug when applying the stored compensation after exporting.
If the user exports a file, opens this new file and saves the compensation. Then if the user reopens the original file and tries to apply the stored compensation, it is not possible because the stored compensation is not compatible with the file (the name of the lasers does not match).

Bug when exporting to TXT.
When a FCS file is exported to a ".txt" file, the name of marker associate to fluorochrome is lost.

Bug when modifying PnR value
When the user changes the PnR value of a parameter and then, clicks on "Save As ..." or "Manual Analysis" button, the new value does not take effect.


Improvement clicking main window buttons.
Sometimes, the user needs to click twice on the main window buttons. This might be caused by a small movement between the time the button is pressed and released.

Review of literals in the Infinicyt English version.
The literals for multiple dialogs, messages and graphics in the Infinicyt English version have been reviewed and corrected where needed.

Bug opening files by double click on Windows.
When the name of a file contains white spaces, and the user makes a double click to open it (with Infinicyt opened), Infinicyt allows the user to decide between opening the file in the same window, or in a new one. If the user selects the first option, Infinicyt does not open it.

Bug opening CYT file with double click.
When user makes double click over a CYT file, and its name or its path contains blanks, Infinicyt does not open the file.

Manual Analysis

Improvement opening TXT files with exponential notation.
Infinicyt can now open TXT files in which the values are in exponential notation (ex. 0.865E-3 or 1.235E2).

Improvement editing label.
Now it is possible to define an empty text for a custom label.

Bug displaying default profile with two screens.
When user uses two screens with different resolutions and the default profile is loaded, diagrams are placed on a wrong position and not sized properly.

Bug loading strategy.
When a strategy is about to load, and the current analysis has not been saved, Infinicyt allows the user to save it. If the user decides to save, and then cancels the process in the “Save as…” dialog, the selected strategy is loaded, when the process should have been cancelled instead.

Bug displaying “Statistics” configuration dialog.
When the user defines a statistic with a large name, the list is scrolled to the right side, making the other statistics disappear from the view. Moreover, the visualization of this dialog is not correct when it is maximized.

Bug getting to front diagrams in “Review”.
When any diagram included in the manual analysis is minimized and the user selects a step of the review which includes it, the diagram does not maximize.

Bug with the checks of visibility for "Reference Image" in Population tree.
When the user checks or unchecks the visibility of a population which includes a reference image, the visibility of that reference image does not change.

Bug with global visibility check in Population tree.
When the user unchecks any population visibility in Population tree (ex. “Events” visibility), the global check does not refresh and continues checked.

Bug displaying APS diagram with a TXT file.
The APS diagram does not display correctly when a TXT file is opened because the PnR value is not calculated correctly.

Bug with APS diagram between files with different number of parameters.
When an APS diagram has been created on a file with n parameters, and a new file is opened (with m parameters, where n is not equal to m), the APS diagram does not refresh its configuration and continues calculating over the first n parameters.

Bug editing compensation.
When compensation is edited and the user selects the “Clear” or “Restore Original Values” options, Infinicyt prompts the user to confirm the operation. If the user closes the dialog (by pressing on the upper right corner of the dialog), the compensation is modified while the operation should have been cancelled instead.

Bug saving current compensation.
When the user opens a compensation configuration dialog with a current compensation loaded, and clicks on the “Clear” button, Infinicyt prompts the user to save the current compensation, which is not necessary.

Bug displaying the name of lasers in compensation.
When a file that contains an editable compensation has lasers without a name, the compensation configuration dialog does not display those lasers even if the compensation matrix shows its values correctly.

Bug inverting the axes on a diagram.
When labels are configured locally on a diagram, and the axes are inverted, the configuration of the labels does not invert too.

Bug editing labels configuration.
When the user opens the label configuration dialog on a diagram and makes any changes, when the dialog is closed (by clicking on the "OK" button), Infinicyt shows a message asking if the changes should be applied locally or globally. If the user closes the dialog (by pressing on the upper right corner of the window), the changes are applied instead of going back to the label configuration dialog.

Bug with scroll of the “preview” field in the label configuration dialog.
When a label is configured with a big font and the user opens the label configuration dialog again, the scroll of the "Preview" field is placed at the end of the text instead of the beginning.

Bug refreshing the name of the file.
After a “File Merge” operation, when the user goes to "Manual Analysis" and saves the resulting file of this operation, the "Manual Analysis" window does not refresh the name of this new file.

Bug creating new function/virtual parameter.
When, from the configuration dialog, the user creates a new function/virtual parameter that depends on another function/virtual parameter and before closing the configuration dialog, the referenced function/virtual parameter is removed, the new function/virtual parameter will be inconsistent and it won´t be possible to edit it.


Bug creating a text component with a large text.
When a text component is created with a large text (more than 100 characters), its size is very big and is displayed out of the sheet limits.

Bug sitting components outside the sheet limits.
When a component has been located with some of its content beyond the sheet limits, and the report is opened again, this component appears located at the top left of the sheet.

Bug copying a diagram with reference image configured locally.
When a diagram in "Manual Analysis" which has a reference image configured locally is copied to "Report", the new diagram in "Report" might display a different reference image or no image at all. Additionally, if the correct image is displayed, the configuration will be the global one, rather than the one defined on the diagram.

Bug displaying text in exported PDF file.
The exported PDF file does not display certain fonts correctly, even if they are displayed properly on the screen.

Bug with scroll of the “columns” list in the population configuration dialog.
The vertical scroll of the “columns” list in the population configuration dialog moves continuously when the user selects multiple values, generating a strange effect.


Bug adjusting PnB and PnR in a TXT file.
When the user opens a TXT file, the PnB values do not adjust to the PnR values. Also, the PnR values do not adjust to the negative values of the events.


Bug grouping parameters previously edited.
When there are two or more parameters whose name have been edited and are then grouped by the user, this new group has no effect in the Manual Analysis and the parameters appear ungrouped.

Manual Analysis

Improvement in loading strategy warning message.
Improvement in the warning message for strategy loading that is displayed when user tries to load a strategy made over a file with more than one tube, on a file with a single tube.

Improvement assigning events to a population.
Sometimes, you need to make a double click to assign events to a population in Population tree.

Review of literals in the Infinicyt English version.
Review and correction multiple literals of dialogs, messages and graphics in the Infinicyt English version.

Bug saving strategy with the same name as another.
When the strategy is saved with the same name as another, Infinicyt shows a dialog asking for overwriting. If user closes the dialog (by pressing on the edge of the window), the strategy is overwritten but should not do so.

Bug loading strategy made over multiple tubes.
Applying a strategy made over multiples tubes does not take account the concordances over every tube.

Bug with TXT files without header.
The name of parameters displayed on graphics includes the symbol “:” because of missing information in the file header.

Bug selecting concordances.
When there is no parameter for a concordance, Infinicyt selects a parameter itself instead of find a compatible parameter.

Bug editing a function in Population tree.
When a function is edited and user presses “CTRL + Z” and then "CTRL + Y", the result of this sequence is not the editing function.

Bug refreshing population control merge.
Cells color in population control merge dialog is not refreshed when user modifies control merge values.

Bug opening large TXT files.
Infinicyt runs out of memory when trying to open large TXT files.

Bug deleting virtual parameters.
If a virtual parameter is deleted from Profile Configuration dialog, and after that, user clicks the Cancel button, the virtual parameter is deleted anyway.

Bug displaying selected events.
The visualization of selected events does not take account the visualization configuration of the populations.


Improvement visualization in 800x600 resolution.
Improvement in dialogs visualization for a 800x600 resolution, for example, in DataSet selection dialog.

Bug displaying dialogs when working with two screens.
When user uses two screens, the dialogs are shown always in the same screen regardless the screen in which Infinicyt is displaying.


Improvement of printing one page.
Now user can print one page of the report.

Bug refreshing components.
When reference image is displayed in a diagram, in diagram configuration dialog, “show reference image in this diagram” is not checked, but reference image is displayed on it.

Bug resizing Font configuration dialog.
The Font configuration dialog in Text component is not resizable.

Bug copying diagram from Manual Analysis with local visibility.
When a diagram with local visibility (in Manual Analysis) is copied to the Report, it does not keep the visibility.

Bug configuring labels with local visibility.
When a new diagram is configured with local visibility, labels populations configuration does not take into account such visibility.


Bug exporting files with different number of events.
After a file exporting with n number of events (ex. 50.000) and without closing "Export" dialog, you try to export another file with more than n number of events (ex. 100.000), the number of events displayed in "Export" dialog does not change (continues with 50.000 events).

Improvement opening large files.
A “loading” window is showed when large files are being opened. Same for module “Edit”.

Calculate Data

Bug with keyboard shortcuts.
The keyboard shortcuts have been defined correctly.

Manual Analysis

Bug opening files with compensation.
When user opens a file with a compensation and parameters without marker, Infinicyt applies it twice and events are not correctly displayed.

Bug modifying compensation matrix.
In a clear compensation matrix if user changes a compensation value and then clicks with mouse in other different cell, value will be assigned to another cell of the matrix.

Bug in compensation with invalid data.
When compensation has non selected data in "Data Set", it can be applied with bad results.

Change deleting population process.
A “Loading” message has been introduced during delete populations process.

Bug in strategies over APS.
When a strategy has been made with gates over APS, result of applying that strategy in the same file is not the same as initial result.

Bug setting strategy as current strategy.
When a strategy is set as current strategy, and user overwrites and sets it as non current strategy, strategy keeps as current strategy.

Bug in “Review”.
When user reviews a population with one gate and assigns it to another population (without events), and then clicks over review icon of second population and cancels all changes. Review icon appears in population that has no assignment.

Bug undoing delete first step of "Review".
When the first step of review population is deleted, the undo action does not work properly.

Bug modifying name of reference image in Profile configuration.
User can modify a reference image name and use the same name as other.

Bug resizing gates in graphics.
When user resizes a gate in a graphic, the gate changes its position

Bug copying profile label configuration to program label configuration.
Program label configuration does not change when user copies profile label configuration to it.

Bug configuring scale in graphics without scale.
User can configure scale visualization in graphics that do not have scale.

Bug editing labels.
In label configuration dialog, when “custom label” checked, preview area is not updated when switching between “All” and “Parameter” with.

Label configuration preview improvement in graphics.
Improve the time to refresh the preview of label configuration in graphics.

Bug cancelling “control merge” process.
If user cancels the process “control merge” very quickly, program throws an internal exception.


Bug painting long label in Box Plot.
There is a length limit when painting a label on a Box Plot.

Bug configuring reference image in diagram.
When reference image is displayed in a diagram, in diagram configuration dialog, “show reference image in this diagram” option is not checked, but reference image is displayed on it.

Bug displaying “Add FCS Info” dialog in “Data” component.
“Add FCS Info” dialog rows height change when user checks one of the parameter.

Bug configuring diagram with N parameters.
When a diagram is configured with N parameters and a file with less than N parameters is opened, if user tries to configure this diagram, “Not available” message is displayed but configuration dialog shows all N parameters.

Bug in “Date” component configuration dialog tittle.
The title of configuration dialog of the “Date” component is wrong.

Bug deleting component after undoing sheet deletion.
After undoing sheet deletion, the deletion of a component including in that sheet does not work properly.


Bug with PnE Format.
Changes on PnE format in export file has no effect.

Bug exporting files with compensation.
When a file is exported with internal compensation and user tries to open it, the result is not the same as original file.

Bug moving mouse over “only visible population”.
If user changes events number to export, and moves the mouse over the “only visible populations” check, events number changes automatically to all events.


Bug including parameter in “anonymous” option.
When user saves a file with the “Anonymous” option checked, the final file will include all parameters and not only the parameters selected.

Bug displaying “anonymous” option dialog.
The rows height of the “anonymous” dialog change when user checks one of the parameter.

Calculate Data

Bug painting non-calculated events in Population Band graphic.
In Population Band graphics the non-calculated events are painted in all bands, and not only for populations which have non-calculated events.


Version included in text area of "About Infinicyt" window:
Infinicyt version is shown in the information text area of the “About Infinicyt” window. Now, users are allowed to copy all necessary information to inform Infinicyt Technical Support Team which version is running.

Not expand strategies information in the Profile configuration:
When user opens “Gates and Analysis Strategies” option, in Profile configuration window, all gates and strategies information as well being expanded and do not let user to view all saved strategies.

Manual Analysis

Bug loading strategies or reference images:
Graphics are displayed before the loading of strategy or reference image, and after that, these are reloaded with new data. Reloading process not look properly on display.

Bug with pop-ups in 3D diagrams:
When user make right mouse click on maximized 3D diagrams, pop-up is displayed in a different position of the mouse position.

Bug in “CTRL+0” action when the current diagram is maximized:
When user has a maximized diagram and executes the “CTRL+0” action, the manual analysis window is displayed to front temporally.

Bug loading files containing wrong values:
When the file that is being loaded contains wrong values, Infinicyt assigns 0 to these values.

Bug showing statistics in Population tree:
After assigning events to a population, if “undo” action is executed, the statistics of the populations do not refresh their values.

Improvement of edition Comments dialog:
Use all available space for the comment columns inside comments editor dialog for a population.

Bug in “Reference Column” with statistics:
When population used to calculate “reference column” value in statistics is deleted, this column does not update its status what leads an inconsistent profile state.

Bug in export option inside Manual Analysis:
When user pass the mouse over “Only visible populations” check, “Events” value fields change to max number of events.


Bug Infinicyt hangs in Windows XP:
Infinicyt hangs on start up. This problem only affects to users who work with Windows XP.

Manual Analysis

Bug in gates:
Occasionally, when a "gate" disappears, the selected events are no longer selected, but the gate is still appearing on screen.

Bug in scale configuration:
Non supporting configuration scale graphics, or scale configurated by user as not visible, the “Default Font” button should be unavailable.


Bug in visibility of diagram:
When user copies a diagram from manual analysis to report, the visibility of populations on this diagram depends from visibility on manual analysis instead of its own visibility configuration.

Bug in configuration dialog “Date” title:
The title of configuration dialog from component “Date” shows the literal “Text” instead of “Date”.

Bug in configuration of component “Diagram”:
When user opens dialog configuration of a Histogram diagram and modifies the type of this to a DotPlot diagram, the configuration of “Number of Events Displayed” lets us to activate “Global” and “Local” configuration at the same time.

Bug in creating a Histogram:
When user creates a Histogram, this is not “smooth” by default against when it is created in the manual analysis.


Bug starting Infinicyt:
Message displayed "The file "max=1048" doesn't exists" when Java Virtual Machine calculates memory reserved to run Infinicyt.

Bug displaying a dialog:
Dialogs are displayed in a different screen in which user is working (only for users that use more than one screen).

Manual Analysis

Bug in statistics configuration:
When the user modifies statistics definition, new value are not refreshed on statistics display within population tree.

Calculate Data

Bug displaying non-calculated events:
Number of non-calculated events displayed could not be the real number of it


Default configuration recovery

Access to Default profile

Reduction of Calculate process time

Introduction of actions by command line

Manual Analysis

Improvements in loading strategies 2.2Improvements in file selector window

Reference Image

Merge Controls cancellation

Import/Export compensations


New Population Band diagrams

Label configuration

Changes on BoxPlots

New options for Histogram configuration

Export Diagrams to image format

New dialog for the parameter selection in Multiparametric diagrams



New usability functions

Additional options in the statistics menu


Selection of “Population Files” in the Report

Copy/Paste from Manual Analysis to the Report

Component “Population”

Export to PDF

Export Report components to image

Multiple selection of FCS parameters within the component “Data”


  • Manual Analysis
    • Save and Review of Analysis Strategies
    • Smooth of the Reference Image
    • Group tool for label mismatch in Reference Image
    • Select fields to export statistics
  • Diagrams
    • Legend of the Parameter Band DotPlot and Histograms
    • Tile windows
    • Mean and Median representation on APS views
    • Scales on Histograms with several parameters
  • Merge files
    • Dictionary of labels on the Merge tool
    • Change the order of the parameters in the Merge Matrix
    • Merge different types of files with different scales
    • Export a merged file into single original files
  • Report
    • Resize data tables
    • Reference Image on the report
  • Compatibility with Coulter files
  • New Technologies
    • Compatible with Windows 7
    • Supports 64 bit architectures.


  • Increase in speed of data processing
  • APS
    • Groups separation considering classified events
  • Graphs Usability
    • Gate selection inversion
    • Possibility to reduce the exact number of events to show
    • Tooltip showing the type of graph and the parameters on minimized graphs
    • Gates and selection of events in the Histogram and Parameter Band dot plots
    • Negative values shown in channel 1 of the logarithmic scale
    • Configuration of Mean and Median representation of a group of event
      • The Density Configuration option is included in this same dialogue box.
      • Selection of the entire population by clicking or gating the Mean or Median dot
    • Common parameters marked in the parameters list
  • Reports
    • Information data boxes for added data components
    • Possibility to add information directly from a FCS file
    • Representation by file in Populations Component
    • Parameter Band Dot Plot:
      • Choice to show only information about the parameters with comments
      • Representation by file
      • Invert Files for a faster reconfiguration of the order shown in the axis
      • Other options: "Show dots", "Means of files" or "Medians of files"
  • New action buttons in Merge interface
    • Select the files to be calculated
    • Remove files from the list
    • Group to correct typing mistakes of the labels
    • Help
    • Direct access to Manual Analysis
    • Configure to go to the Controls window
    • Save as
    • Main Menu
  • New advanced module
    • Calculate Data:
      Calculation of several characteristics of cells in which a parameter has not been directly measured, based on the knowledge of those haracteristics in phenotypically similar cells which have already been measured
    • Advanced Analysis
      BCR_ABL Fusion Protein Kit


  • Manual analysis
    • Save reference images
    • Creation of new analysis parameters calculated as mathematical functions of parameters present in data files
    • Diagrams:
      • A new option in the toolbar: Diagrams
      • A new type of diagram to represent the results: Box Plot
      • Options to smooth the contour and auto-regulate the maximum value to shown in the histograms
      • Representing density plots with contour lines
      • Show the scale of axes in the Parameter Band Dot Plot
    • It has changed the visualization of the available functions in the Statistic window of the Profile Configuration
    • Comments:
      • Possibility to see the comments associated with a file ($COM)
      • The number and name of the fields of the column "Comments" can be configurated
      • If there are coments, they will be notified by an icon
    • Save analyzed files
      • Save files in anonymous format
      • Option to disable warnings reminding to save the analyzed files when you finish
  • File merge
    • Merge a FCS file with a previously analyzed file (.cyt format)
    • New control icons in the analysis window
    • Options to select how to identify the different tubes merged in the analyzer
  • File export
    • Export the results of the report to XML format
    • Export several linear parameters having the SSC-low transformation applied
  • General options
    • Saving an FCS file with FCS or TXT format


  • The FL-based merger option has been deleted
  • New options and types of Graphs have been created to show information
  • It is possible to create and save Analysis Profiles for successive uses:
    • Statistics
      • It is possible to use formulas to calculate results
      • Absolute counts from the population of reference selected by the user
    • Current compensation can be changed manually and saved if the origin FCS file contains this information internally
    • New option of creating consecutive gates to identify a population and save the sequence to apply it to similar files
    • It is allowed to configure negative visibility of the parameters with Logical scale
    • New option to check all the parameters measured of a data file (Properties)
  • New options to facilitate the Manual Analysis of the data file:
    • It has been improved the way in which the user can save and find in his computer a document already analyzed (.cyt)
    • Option to choose the columns to visualize in the Analysis Window
    • User can configure the mathematical transformation of the parameter SSC to improve the separation of populations
    • New options regarding printed report
  • New options regarding Merger Module
    • New information and commands in the merger screent
    • News regarding merger process controls
  • New options regarding File Export
    • Merge a FCS file with a previously analyzed file (.cyt format)
    • New control icons in the analysis window
    • Options to select how to identify the different tubes merged in the analyzer


Basic functions of the Infinicyt software v1.0:

  • File Merge to allow the user to merge flow cytometric data from different files (obtained from different immunostained tubes) into a single file, representing a complete immunostaining protocol of one sample.
  • File Editor, to modify certain parameters on FCS files, such as parameter label or typing corrections.
  • File Export, to allow the analysis with different software.
  • Manual analysis, with multiple options and possibilities for easy handling of the files.